
onsdag den 2. juni 2021

Words for Wednesday - June 2

This June  the Words for Wednesday are at River's blog Drifting Through Life. For today we were given:

1. shindig
2. hootenanny
3. shemozzle
4. heiress
5. banana
6. barricade
1. light
2. tough
3. coffee
4. nightmare
5. curved
6. Christmas

Remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please place a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

Did you ever wonder what became of Susan after the magic had ended? It's not a very uplifting or even nice story. But today's prompts compels me to tell a bit of it.
This is a loose continuation of The End.
It is a short text only, the sun is shining the weeds are over GardenOwl's ears. And as I have used only a couple of the prompts, I promise to continue the tale ... or would you prefer a long story later in the week?

"Mom," Susan asked one morning in late Autumn. "After that accident of mine, did you ever call the summer school and tell what happened?"
"I was afraid you would ask. On the other hand it is a sign that your memory is returning. I tried. But I could not find the papers, they were probably left behind in the summerhouse, and aunt Dina has thrown them away in one of her cleaning fits. But wasn't it almost over?"
"I don't remember when it was supposed to end or when that would have been in relation to my accident. I just remember looking forward to going there again."
"I'll try some more searching," Mum promised, "it would be nicd if you could contact some of your friends from that course, as you can't go there any more. We do not have a place to stay down there any more, now Dina and Kurt sold their summerhouse."
"I'll look in my hideouts as well," Susan said. "Maybe this afternoon, when I've had a nap."

After Christmas Susan began feeling herself again. January was an unusually dreary month, rain, cloudy and murky. Susan began playing her guitar again, she even took an extracurricular  course in guitar music. The teacher was a guy who said he had been playing with the musicians from the Hootenanny Singers back in the 60es. Susan did not quite believe him.  
Last Summer's too busy days had taught her not to become involved with playing at shindigs, openings or anything of that sort. But soon she became involved in a group aiming to open a second hand shop. Playing and working hard for a good cause was something Susan could get involved in ... and she did.

In Spring the group found the right place. An old green grocer's off the main street of the city. It had been unoccupied for quite a while, and was in need of much work to be useable again.

Every morning Susan dragged herself from sleep, swallowed a cup of tea and bread with honey, biked to school, and from there down to the shop, where she painted, drilled, swept, polished, hung up lights, and so on. Many days she biked home, grabbed a banana and some tools, they were missing, and went back to the shop to work until darkness fell. Homework were made by night or not at all.
to be continued ...

4 kommentarer:

  1. I am very, very happy to read your tales any way they come, short, long or in between.

  2. I like this very much and know the extra work will be helping Susan recover. Short stories are just as good as long ones.

  3. It does sound like she's trying to work through a dark time. Excellent addition to the stories, and please just write what you want and when you can.

  4. Thank you all for your encouragement and support. It means a lot to me. I am going to continue.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.