
onsdag den 30. oktober 2019

Frostmorgen -- Frosty Morning

     I nat var det atter frostvejr. Det er flot, men frygteligt. Havens planter er døde nu. Vi håber bare at chilierne i domen er overlevet med overdækning og stearinlys.

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Tonight it froze. It is beautiful and terrible. All the plants in the garden are dead now. We hope that the chilies in the dome survived thanks to being covered and having lit candles at their sides.

Laurbærrene kom indenfor i sikkerhed.
The laurls were placed inside out of the frost.

3 kommentarer:

  1. It is indeed beautiful. I hope your chillies survive, and loved your frosted owls.

  2. The frost fairies work is beautiful but destructive. Thank you for sharing the photos and i am glad the chilis survived.


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