
onsdag den 17. april 2013

Forår i Uglebo -- Spring in the Owlery

     Så er det blevet forår også i Ugleboet.
     I virkeligheden kan Uglemor ikke sy patchwork, men på computeren går det bedte, Derfor fejrer vi foråret med dette forårspatchwork.

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Spring has arrived in the Owlery. In real life MotherOwl cannot make patchwork, but a computer made Spring Patchwork is within my limits.

Det eneste håndarbejde, det er blevet til i de forgangne dage, er nogle tingfinderpunge. Det er et nemt, lille arbejde, man sådan kan putte ind i mellem. Selvfølgelig kunne jeg ikke bare holde mig til mønsteret, men måtte prøve med 6- 7- eller endog 8-takkede stjerner i bunden. Det passede godt til mit tyndere garn.

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The only knitting MotherOwl has been doing are a couple of Treasure Pouches like the ones found at The Sitting Tree. It's a nice little knitting project for in between. It's also nice to make something useful from all those half and less skeins laying around. Of course I modified the pattern for use with thicker or thinner yarns, increasing the number of stitches and intake repetitions in the bottom. Making the bottom star, 6 7 or even 8 fold.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Uglemor.

    It must be so exciting to see the flowers after the snow! They're so pretty.

    I like your Treasure Pouches. I've been thinking that little projects might be good for busy times - large knitting projects sometimes seem overwhelming. That's when I find it hard to get started.

    God bless :-)

    1. The flowers are growing so fst, I can almost not keep up with them. A week ago, our little pond was still covered in ice, totay we worked in the garden in short sleeves and the Kaiser's crown are lifting theit beautiful, but smelly heads far above the ground.

      Treasure pouches are an easy and never monotonus knit. The children love them, and I'm sure yours would too.

  2. love those pouches! lovely

  3. Uglemor,

    Perhaps the piece of knitting in the next post photo is one of your treasure pouches? Do you give them away with little treasures inside? They would make perfect gifts!

    1. You're right, it is one of those treasure pouches. I give them to the Owlets to put their treasures in, you know like Pippi Longstocking, when she goes treasure hunting.
      To give away with small treasures inside is a great idea. Perfect for when we go visiting, where you're expected to bring a gift for the host/ess.


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