
tirsdag den 17. september 2024

Poetry Monday :: Intention

Next Monday for Intention I have every intention of doing better ;) that is what I wrote a little over a week ago ... 

So good intentions are not enough.
I really should do better
And write a poem - do some stuff
But not a line has left my pen,
no, not a single letter.

I racked my brain, I thought and fought
But not a word was written
The result was a giant naught
for not a word has left my pen
no poems had been fit in.

However much I huff and puff
No poems are forthcoming
And every word is fail and fluff
For not a word has left my pen
To show you my shortcoming

--  --  -- --  --  -- 

Next Monday: Teaching

8 kommentarer:

  1. My father had a saying that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'. I do like the poem that you wrote - despite yourself.

    1. Thank you - this was the saying I was thinking of, it exists in Danish too ;)

  2. I think you did very well, indeed!

  3. An excellent poem in spite of no words having left your pen.

  4. You have crawled inside my mind Charlotte, a great poem that speaks to me.

    1. Oh thank you. I thougth long, and then just wrote.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.