
tirsdag den 23. juli 2024

Words for Wednesday :: July 24 :: The Words

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.

  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

This post goes live at 16.01 Tuesday my time. I have found out - hopefully now correct - that this is when Wednesday begins in Canberra.

For today the prompt are:
Opera Mints

35 kommentarer:

  1. ‘That’s the spirit Rosie! You can do it!’
    ‘The whole crowd is behind you’
    ‘We will tape your performance on your phone’. ‘You will run rings around the other competitors’…

    Rosie needed her Opera Mints to cloak the noise of her persistent cough. She had them, and everything else necessary for the performance of her life. In a simple light ivory linen shift she impatiently tapped the ground with the metal tips of her boots.
    The last competitor before her completed her act, and limped off the stage.
    Rosie strutted out from behind the trees and leapt to the dancing arena. Her tune started up, and she was away, building on past successes and experience.
    She set a frenetic pace, one that the Tap Dogs would envy. Her competitors knew that she had won, and that they were merely the dust behind her tail feathers.
    The crowd roared their approval as Rosie took her bows. This one is for you mum she thought. For you and all the sacrifices you made so I could dance...

    1. Well done EC - a different take ... and wonderful to know she was off dancing her heart out, especially as her mother had helped her so much ... delightful to think about ... cheers Hilary

    2. Good for Rosie. Her mum was somewhere watching with pride. Great use of prompts EC

    3. Wonderful for Rosie and Rosie's mom

    4. Great story, and well written, I saw her dancing and twirling in the spotlights.

  2. Opera Mints is something I have never heard of.

    1. I feel great knowing what Opera mints are - I really like them. Thank you!

  3. Hi Charlotte - first set:
    The trees were cloaked in swirling mist hiding the building that wss becoming more oniminous by the day. It always amazed him that the mist could go from pale ivory coloured to off linen, a shade of white … it made the etheral metallic view even more worrying … why can't other people see colours the way he does – he wondered.

    Perhaps he could project peacock's tailfeathers onto the building's blank concrete wall – that would liven things up … perhaps even lighten the area a little: and still not let the public into the structure's true reason for being.

    Next set ...

    She pulled her boots on … as she sucked on an Opera mint … oh bother, the phone rang, she hobbled off to answer it – sat down. Then answering stopped her in her tracks … her spirit now would never again be whole – she'd turned pale ivory coloured.

    Cheers to all - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I really like both sets, though they leave me with questions. Just what is in that first building? And do I want to know.
      And I feel for the second woman. Bad news hits like a pole axe doesn't it? I hope she is wrong and finds wholeness again.

    2. Thanks Sue ... the first one - I've no idea!! Just monstrous workings ... not nice at all - do not go there - in thought or deed!!
      2nd set - in this day and age ... just something desperate that she can't deal with ... doesn't want to, yet has no option ...
      Thanks for the comments ... always interesting to see what the brain decides to write up!!
      Nice day here too - so I'll leave horrid thoughts behind ... cheers H xo

    3. You fit the color of the month in nicely. Loved both stories using the prompts.

    4. And now I need to know what secret the building held.
      I also need to know what the phone call was.

    5. Bad building ... and sad or bad information phoned through ... your choice! Thanks Annie - cheers Hilary

    6. You've cooked up two stories to leave us wanting more.

    7. That building makes me curious, and why project peacocks' feathers on it? Mysterious tales indeed.

    8. Hi MessyMimi and Charlotte - just my weird take on life ... perhaps making the building look 'good' not too reflecting its horrendous life ... cheers - or not?! Hilary

  4. My story is on my blog now.

  5. The sounds from the band's practice session reverberated and caused the walls of the whole Butler Building to shake. Sunday practices in the industrial complex meant the only ones that would be bothered by their music were the birds in the nearby trees, and most likely they had flown after the first amplified chord was played.
    It was supposed to be a dress rehearsal for a gig they had booked for that night, but somehow the look did not go along with their sound.
    Brandon arrived wearing some cloak that looked like he was trying to summon the spirit of some "B" movie Dracula actor, and Kate walked in wearing a linen halter sundress and cowboy boots.
    Pete, who was the band leader, pulled out his phone, held it to his ear like he was placing a call. "Ring, Ring. Houston we have a problem. My friends seem to have forgotten we are a metal band. Brandon is dressed for Halloween and how is Kate going to "shake her tail feather " dressed like a cowgirl?"
    Then he looked at the group. "We look about as much like a metal band as a bowl of m&m's looks like opera mints. Go home, change, and come back looking
    like the rest of us."

    1. Anne in the kitchen: Pete is demanding isn't he? Hadn't he heard the phrase that a bad dress rehearsal means an excellent performance. Another wonderful (and different) use of the prompts.

    2. Hi Anne in the Kitchen - that'd be me ... but I'd never get involved with a band in the first place ... would they return - or stay home for another coffee or afternoon off. Fun story thank you ... cheers Hilary

    3. Great use of the prompts! Yes, if they're a metal band, they need to look the part or they won't be taken seriously.

    4. Great story. I believe the band would have looked great just as they were. A performance never forgotten.

    5. Hehe, mismatched clothes for a rehearsal is every performer's nightmare. I hope they showed up in style and fast.

  6. Here's my take on the prompts - Fiction: The Returner

    I had to look up opera mints, I had never heard of them. Thanks for the prompts.

    Have a lovely day

    1. I'll be over and read as soon as I have written my own story as yours ususally get me derailed.

  7. I put on my linen invisibility cloak to sneak into the metal building hidden in the trees to capture the magical tailfeather.

    1. Mike: Great job - and I am wondering what you will do with that magic tailfeather...

    2. By chance are you at the Paris Olympics ... there's some ghostly figure there ... ?!

  8. I'm going to shake my tailfeather.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.