
søndag den 14. juli 2024

Sunday Selections :: Colour24 :: Søndagsbilleder

Månedens farve juli
Colour of the Month July 

Kagekunst. Jeg købte en käsekuchen med frugtgelé hos vore polske bager.
Da jeg kom hjem med den, havde toppen smittet af på bagerpappet.
Moderne konditorkunst!
Bakery art. I bought a piece of berry cheesecake at our local, Polish bakery.
When I reached home, the jelly on top had made this impression inside the box.
Modern cake art!

Bageren i et supermarked hvor de ikke er til højere kagekunst, havde disse her muffins.
Nej, jeg købte ikke nogen, og Ugleungerne plagede heller ikke.
At a bakery in a supermarket, where cake art is not high priority I found these muffins.
No, I did not buy any, I only brought home this photo. Nobody asked for me to buy some. 

De havde også denne her sjove kage
... jo, den er da fint gylden, og der er helt sikkert gulerødder i. Tihi.
They also had this cake with a funny spelling mistake: GULDERODSKAGE:
GULEROD means carrot, GULD means gold
And yes this cake sure is golden, and with carrots, but why combine the words in this crazy way?
KAGE means cake - you might have guessed.

Og en puppe. Jeg frygter den bliver til en stikkelsbærmåler.
Uanset endte den ude i haven igen.
And a pupa. I fear that it turns into a gooseberryleave-eanting Magpie moth.
I put it back into the garden anyway.

Vi var i cirkus. Det har vi været næsten hvert år i lang tid,
de seneste år i Cirkus Baldoni, som også i år.
We went to a circus. We've done that every year (almost) for a very long time.
The last many years Circus Baldoni has been our preferred, also this year.

4 kommentarer:

  1. The bakery art is fascinating.

    You are a true lover of nature, to be concerned the moth might eat your plants, yet you put it back anyway.

    It has been many years since I have been to a circus, I would enjoy a show I think.

  2. Thank you for putting the pupa back despite your concerns. Circuses with animals are banned in my city. Cirque du Soleil is the last circus I have seen - an expensive treat but worth the price.

  3. I haven't been to a circus since I was a child. The fancier ones like Cirque du Soleil are too expensive for me, but I see bits on the TV news so that's good enough.

  4. Thanks for your comments.
    Here cirkusses with animals are banned as well, I think it a shame, I do not go for keeping tigers and wild animals in cages, but horses, donkeys, cows, camels, cats dogs ... even dolphins were kept in vey fine conditions in our cirkusses (better than on most farms actually). And I must admit that I find a cirkus totally without animals a bit lacking.
    We still have more small, travelling cirkus in Denmark, and the tickets are not forbiddinly expensive.


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