
søndag den 7. juli 2024

Sunday Selection & Colour24

As usual our weather is playing the "Who, me?" game with me. I go out to do something in the garden ... it begins raining. I go in and do indoor work or watch Tour de France - the rain stops.

Look for yourself how innocent our weather acts here. The big puddles and the wet tarmac are giveaways, the trees were still dripping wet.
     Vejret leger sit sædvanlige kispus med mig for øjeblikket. Når jeg går ud i haven, begynder det straks at regne. Går jeg indenfor og rydder op eller følger med i Tour de France, ja så skinner solen øjeblikkeligt.
     Prøv bare at se hvordan vejret spiller uskyldig og siger: "Hvem, mig?"  Det bliver bare afsløret af de store pytter og den våde asfalt. Træerne dryppede stadig.

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But despite the rain, I picked some golden berries,
Men mellem bygerne fik jeg plukket nogle gyldne bær.

These golden gooseberries were made into the tiniest amount of soft fruit cheese together with some white redcurrants I found while weeding.
I had to make room for the bush, which I picked as well. It stood next to the road and a driveway, and I feared that the farmer would run over or in other ways harm the goldenberried bush.
     De gyldne stikkelsbær blev lavet til en bittelille portion semi-gelé sammen med nogle hvide hindbær, som jeg fandt, mens jeg lugede.
     Jeg var nødt til at gøre plads til hele busken som jeg tog med hjem. Den stod et dumt sted, og jeg frygtede, at landmanden ville pløje den væk eller køre den over inden næste sommer.
     Semi-geleen blev testet til aftensmaden og smager supergodt.

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The bush with the golden berries now in my unruly garden. I imagined fruit bushes with an undergrowth of strawberries - the bindweed imagined a playground. So far 1-0.
     Busken med de gyldne bær nu i min vilde have. Jeg forestillede mig bærbuske med jordbær som bunddække. Snerlerne forestillede sig en legeplads. De vandt første omgang.

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Now for the colour of the month and what else happened photo-wise in this past week.

Og nu til månedens farve, og hvad der ellers endte i kameraet i den forgangne uge.

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En stribet tæge (sikke da et opfindsomt navn). Den kan vi takke de varmere somre for, jeg har aldrig set én før
A striped bug  - yes it's called thus, so very ingenious 😉
Thanks to global warming it now thrives in Denmark. I never saw it before.

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Mit stædige birketræ i Hillerød gror stadig!
My birch tree in Hillerød, still defiantly growing!

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     Og så har jeg fået et nyt, gammelt køleskab. Det skulle smides ud, og da jeg længe har ønsket mig et køleskab til syltetøj og sæbeprojekter, skyndte Storesøster at redde det. Først slæbte Minimax og Spirillen det ind i huset og op ad trappen, så stod det op et helt døgn, for at være sikker på at væskerne var sevet tilbage på plads efter den liggende transport i Storesøsters lille bil.
     Så blev det vasket og vasket én gang til! Der groede sjove ting under hylder og i krogene. Så fik jeg Spirillen og Minimax til at hjælpe mig med projekt løft et køleskab på plads. Og så sluttede jeg det til strømmen. Det brummede sagte, og næste morgen var det koldt! Så flyttede syltetøj og sæbeingredienser ind.
     Uglemor er taknemmelig over hjælpsomme og betænksomme Ugleunger.
     Køleskabet skal dekoreres udenpå, det bliver næste projekt.
And I had a new, old fridge. It was destined for the landfill, and since I wanted a fridge for jams and soap projects for a long time, BigSis rushed in to save it. Then Minimax and Marsupilami dragged it into the house and up the stairs, then it stood for a whole day to make sure that all  the fluids had seeped back into place after the horizontal transport in BigSis' small car.

Then it was washed and washed once again! Funky things grew under shelves and in the nooks and crannies. Then I called in Marsupilami and Minimax once again to help me with project lift a fridge into place. And then I plugged it in and turned it on. It hummed softly and the next morning it was cold! Then jam and soap ingredients moved in.
MotherOwl is very grateful for helpful Owlets.

It will next be decorated on the outside, that will be a project for another rainy day.

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Månedens farve er sikkert rundt omkring på billederne,
ellers kommer den her.
Uudsprungne rejnfan-blomster er præcis den farve.
I am sure the colour of the month can be found
here and there in my photos,
but here it is. Tansy buds are the exact right colour.

8 kommentarer:

  1. A truly lovely and verdant selection with delightful splashes of colour. Despite the weather you have been very productive - which is more than I can say.

    1. Despite the weather and Tour de France - I hope for brighter days ahead for you.

  2. You did well with your work even though the weather didn't help!
    I now realize that in the story I wrote I forgot to mention the color of the month, sorry!
    Good Week Carlotte!!

    1. Thank you - the Colour of the month was originally meant to go with a once a week photo post, like this Sunday Selections or a dedicated Colour24 post once a month.
      But things have a life of their own, and most now use it as an additional prompt for the Words for Wednesday fun, which is fine with me.
      You're welcome to use or not as it fits, also only now and then. And I see pale ivory in mountains and handrails in your lovely photos.
      Thank you.

  3. I also have this problem with the weather, especially if I want to hang clothes outside to dry. I hang them, rain starts, I run to fetch them, get them in and rehung on the indoor rack, the rain stops. One day it was only raining in the back yard, on the clothes, but not in the front!

    It was a good job, saving the bush, I hope you get plenty of berries.

    The bug is the shape of what we call a "stink bug." Here this kind is just gray and will squirt a noxious liquid, and they stink if you accidentally squish one. The birds, I'm told, make the mistake of eating one only once.

    Congratulations on the new mini refrigerator!

    Your light ivory tansy is pretty.

    1. Stink bugs! Yes we have those as well - I learned the hard way to discard any respberry they sat on - phew!!! This is a cousin of the green stink bugs, and is really called "striped bug" or more spcifically "Italian striped bug" - the most boring name ever!

  4. I love the jam fridge! I'm glad you saved that bush too and I hope it grows well.

    1. Thank you. My garden have several saved bushes and plants, and they mostly do well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.