
mandag den 1. juli 2024

Colour24 July :: Light Ivory ~ Lys elfenben

Nu siger vi farvel til juni måned og farven
Now we say good bye to the colour of June

Det gør  jeg med de her smukke, grønne ærteplanter. Og se lige de blomster og de bælge altså. Den kommer helt sikker til at blive i min have, med mindre altså at de smager rædsomt. Sort Blauwschokker.
We do so with these pretty green pea plants. And notice those flowers and those pods, it is a keeper, unless of course it's very tasteless. Name of the beauty: Blauwschokker.

Juli måneds farve er:
is the colour of July.

For et par dage siden høstede jge blomster til plantefarvning, gele og urtesalte. Og se lige, nogle af tallerkensmækkerne har lige den farve!
Tuesday I picked flowers for dyeing, jellies and herbal salts, and look! some of the nasturtium have this colour!

10 kommentarer:

  1. I hope the peas are delicious - and have never seen a nasturtium in that colour.

    1. I hope so too, my grandkids will be judges ;) I must make a nasturtium post, as I grow them in many colours.

  2. There are so many beautiful colors in your world. I do hope you have plenty of delicious peas.

    1. I hope so too, it'll be some weeks yet, but I look forward to them.

      Freed from spam-prison.

  3. I have seen nasturtiums in oranges and yellows but no other coour. I like the light ivory.

    1. I do too, and grow them in many different colourways - post upcoming. But the red are the most tasty. We eat them in salads and as nasturtium jelly (Pam the Jam is my guru here).

  4. How beautiful the colors of the petals look in their vases!!

    1. Thank you. I love the many, many colours of summer

  5. SIBLING TURMOIL by Granny Annie

    People said that my sister Ruby and I acted like a couple of FISH wives. We could argue about nothing like the pot always calling the KETTLE BLACK. It was a HUMAN condition of siblings since the beginning of time. Our parents considered admitting us to a local CLOISTER of nuns where we might learn to become more SERENE.

    The threat of joining us in religious seclusion was enough to cause us to join hands as comrades. We quietly tiptoed across the FLAGSTONE floor of our home and headed for the QUARRY. We had each filled our LIGHT IVORY aprons with MANGOs, the healthiest of fruits, to nourish us on our journey.

    Wc could hear FINNISH mumbling as our family followed our tracks. Hiding behind the ROWAN BUSH did not offer the cover we desired. Ruby began to cry and was heard. We were jerked from behind the bushes. I quickly lashed out at Ruby for giving away our hiding place. Our father took each of us by the ear and began pulling us toward home. Our short-lived truce ended and we began to argue, placing blame on each other once again.


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