
onsdag den 12. juni 2024

Words for Wednesday, June 12 ~ Gylfi and Thora 8

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for June are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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Words for Wednesday June June 12 (today):


This seems to be turning into one of my longish tales.
I used the first half in the order they were given. But first some corrections. There are no lizards in Iceland, so Gylfi could not have followed one into the cave, and the Cathedral of Our Lady in Turku does not have a crypt as far as I have ben able to find out, so a deserted, cluttered chapel is where the portal leads.
   If anybody from Turku is reading this ... I am thinking mostly of you Karen at
Myyratohtori ... then please, could you tell me if there is a crypt or not?

They ate a few more cookies and then braved the last of the portals  leading to the church proper.
They met a man lurking in the dark of the chapel behind the small, hidden door, but luckily he was drunk, and accepted with no further questioning that they were just tourists visiting the cathedral and looking for the special amber-hued burial window in the chapels.
Outside the cathedral they sat themselves down at benches under some birch trees a luscious green in the warmer sunshine of Turku.
"Now, how do we get to Helsinki?" Taavi asked, " and are you two going with us, or what?"
"I can answer the first one," Tähti said. "By bus, I think there's a bus an hour going from Turku to Helsinki, passing by the cathedral square every hour at the hour."
"And no, I do not think we're going to stay here," Gylfi said. "The horses should not be left for days in that cave, and I noticed that our drainpipe was leaking when we left. I suggest that you go home, arrange your stuff for a prolonged absence, and then return when you're ready. It should be quite easy. Come back here, go into the chapel and pass through the portal to the portal room under the mountain. Watch out for that drunkard, though. He might not pass it off if he see people disappearing there regularly." Gylfi smiled.
"The list," Thora said. "they'll have to know which portal to come through once they're back under the mountain."
Gylfi pulled a small notebook from his pocket. Looking at his watch he hurriedly copied the signs for Eyafjallajökull and his phone number on an empty page, which he then pulled out and gave to Tähti. "Just remember what I taught you about the spelling and pronunciation of Icelandic words, then you'll have no trouble phoning me if you do not want to walk all the way back to Hella - or if you're afraid to brave the portals alone, I'll come and fetch you ... and bring a batch of Thora's cookies."
"That last option sounds tempting," Taavi said. "I think we go for that."
Tähti looked at the paper and read Gylfi's address and phone number aloud, the spell at once transforming her words into Finnish for her and Taavi. "No good, she said. When I try to call you, I'll have to cancel that spell, and hope that my atrocious Icelandic will suffice."
"It will," Gylfi assured her, "the lady putting you through is a nice one. Do you have any idea how long before you return?"
Täthi and Taavi looked at  one another. "Quite soon, Taavi answered, "there's no reason to dally, and every reason to come back to Iceland. Two weeks at the most. By the way, if you need a cup of coffee before going home this bill should do it." He gave Gylfi a Finnish bank note.
"Thanks, I did not think of that," he admitted, and added: "We look forward to seeing you again." Thora nodded. "Maybe we can even prepare one of the small huts in the area for you 'till then," Gylfi mused. Then the four magicians shook hands, and Tähti and Taavi hurried to the bus stop while Thora and Gylfi slowly drifted back to the church. They entered the cathedral again.
"Let's play tourists for a short while!"
They paid for entrance to the small museum, and were even allowed up in the tower. After a cup of surprisingly good coffee they went back into the chapel and assured that no-one were around before they opened the secret door. Soon they were back in Iceland.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad that the words inspired you/enabled you to continue this tale.
    As an aside: No lizards? I suppose your climate is the reason, but it is a pity - they would love your garden.

    1. No, lucily I have lizards here in my place - even some very pretty ones in my garden. But in chapter 7 I told of Gylfi following a lizard into the cave ... well this could not happen, as it seems Iceland's climate is too cold for lizards - I'll have to think out something new there ;)

  2. I am glad they thought of the horses. As for what he followed into the cave, would any small creature which does live in Iceland do? A mouse perhaps.

    1. Yes, any small critter would do. It is only ... I feel stupid. One of the WfW was "lizard" and I used it without checking that lizards indeed live in Iceland ;) They obviously do not. I have met lizards in my garden (very pretty ones!), and have met them everywhere I have ever travelled, so I erroneously presumed they lived everywhere. Og course Thora would remember the horses. Her speciality is animals and familiars - she has an owl.

  3. I'm happy they got to play tourist for a while.

    1. Relaxation and fun is essential to being a good wizard - and a good human being, is my opinion.

  4. So they are going through portals, one after another, so does this mean they can't just go to one portal to get to one place? But it's kind of nice to travel by portal, saves time and money.

    Have a lovely day

    1. A portal is kind of like a door, or a one-stop train. It goes from here to there, in this case from the cave to "The big place under the mountains" and the next one goes from there to Turku.
      That they go through one by one is just because they did not yet find out theat you can go many at once - they will.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.