
mandag den 10. juni 2024

Poetry Monday :: Wild

Mandagsdigt :: Vild

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

This Monday's prompt is WILD. This word fits my garden, yesterday was Day of Wild Gardens in Denmark. So ... a photo and a poem is in place here.

Our garden is wild
to put it mild

We have weeds and bugs
and snails and slugs

There's too many weeds
there's too much that feeds

On bushes and trees
and on my seeds

There's nettles that sting,
tiny vicious thing

There's thistles too
white, purple and blue

Mosquitoes galore
and wasps that soar

There's foxes that fright
my chicks in the night

But boy, oh boy
we have much to enjoy

There's tits and hens
and wagtails and wrens.

There's chirps and tweets
and peas and beets.

There's also a dome
the tomatoes' home

And beds for all
plants big or small

They smell and sting,
they do their thing

There's morning red skies
and dragonflies

There's bushes, trees
and bumblebees

There's toads and frogs,
that jumps and hops

There's beetles of red
and spiders in web

The happy and glad
overshade all the bad.

Had I not been away
most of all yesterday

This sign on you'd have seen
inviting you in:
Come on in! - the garden is open - Wild Gardens' Day

And I'm sure you'd have seen
lots of

8 kommentarer:

  1. I do love a wild garden - and your poem.

    1. Thank you. I must take more photos soon, there's so much to show.

  2. Beautiful poem!
    A lot of work awaits you in the garden!!

  3. Your poem is wonderful! Yes, gardens have stuff we try to evict but more that we enjoy which is why we keep them.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.