
søndag den 5. maj 2024

Sunday Selections :: Spring

From our travels today ~ now yesterday, as - oops - I did not hit Publish in my hurry as the guests arrived. Sorry.

Something old:

Something new:

Something wet:

And something Orange:

For the colour of the month of May:

And as a bonus. My defiant tree in Hillerød is still growing:

6 kommentarer:

  1. Love them all - and hope you enjoyed your guests.

  2. I love the tree growing in the crack. And the picture with all the rain I like too.

    1. "My" defiant birch has been growing there for years now. We watch out for it. Rain, not so much, but I like the photo.

  3. This is a creative way to introduce your color of the month. And I'm glad for the defiant tree.

    1. Thank you . That tree is at least 5 years old by now. Broken once, but still defiantly growing.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.