
mandag den 27. maj 2024

Poetry Monday :: Politics

Politics ... who on Earth choose such a stupid topic for a Poetry Monday?
Well, seems I did.
I do not understand why I chose that topic! I do not care much for politics, and rigth now we're in the run up for the election to the EU parliament and posters everywhere is making me sick and tired of politics.
A blah! poem is in place:

All the whys
all their lies
All the hows
all their vows
All the whats
fly like gnats
All the whos
thick as glue
Election day
is far away
as all their minds
are money lined
and filled with power
at any hour.

 - - - - -

Next Monday the topic is Egg - thank you Mimi!

8 kommentarer:

  1. My father said that it didn't matter who you voted for, you got a politician. Sadly I think he was right. Again.
    Your poem is close to the mark too.

  2. I think your poem describes politics well!

  3. Nailed. Bang on Charlotte. Also I truly believe there's blackmail as well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.