
onsdag den 28. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday ~ June 28 ~ Onsdagsord

Today is Wednesday. And this means Words for Wednesday!

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday are provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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All Wednesdays in June the Words are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher but they are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.

For June 28 we were given:



    Hilary also offered us some 'extra' words:

Only the extra Words resonated with me. I wrote a tiny story from my garden. I hope to use the rest of the Words in the coming days.

As we live in rainy Denmark, we often have rainbows over the house. Most often towards the West in the afternoon. Often the rainbow will end on top of my dome, and I have tried looking for gold in there, but never found any. I only find tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies, verbena, dill and a suffering coriander.
  My daughter, Big Sis, loves coriander. I do not, and she accuses me of not watering, maltreating and so on the poor coriander, so that they will not grow. I do not know why they simply refuse to grow in my garden, where all other herbs and spices thrive. The verbena is so big it trips me, and almost have me falling often when I enter the dome. Outside in two beds, I have lovage, chives, thyme and a lot of other herbs. I use them for herbal salts, which I consider an art form, as it saves summer's goodness for winters cooking.
  Next Friday I will exhibit my garden for a small group. I just hope the sage will still be flowering abundantly with its many sky blue flowers

Onsdagsord på dansk:

Jeg brugte kun de ekstra ord:

     Da vi bor i det regnfulde Danmark, har vi ofte regnbuer over huset. Oftest mod vest om eftermiddagen. Ofte ender regnbuen på toppen af min dome, og jeg har prøvet at lede efter guld derinde, men aldrig fundet noget.
     Jeg finder kun tomater, agurker, chilier, jernurt, dild og en smule koriander. Min datter, storesøster, elsker koriander. Det gør jeg ikke, og hun beskylder mig for ikke at vande, mishandle og så videre de stakkels koriander, så de ikke vil gro. Jeg ved ikke, hvorfor de simpelthen nægter at gro i min have, hvor alle andre krydderurter og krydderier trives. Jernurten er så stor, at den ofte spænder ben for mig, når jeg går ind i domen og næsten får mig til at falde. Udenfor i to bede har jeg løvstikke, purløg, timian og en masse andre krydderurter. Jeg bruger dem til urtesalt, som jeg betragter som en kunstform, da det gemmer sommerens goder til vinterens madlavning.
    Næste fredag skal jeg vise min have frem for en lille gruppe. Jeg håber bare, at salvien stadig står og blomstrer med sine mange himmelblå blomster.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I love this view of your garden. Like you, I don't like coriander and consequently have never even tried to grow it. Verbena is a joy though. When I could still get in and out of a bath I used to add some leaves to my bath when it was running. Scented bliss.

    1. I must try Verbena leaves in my next soak. Thanks - I grew them because a friend liked them as tea, I did not, but I liked the plant, and it self sows, so I still grow it.

  2. The old Irish saying was, you are as likely to find the rainbow's end as to find a leprechaun's pot of gold. Eventually, people mistook that to mean the gold was hidden at the end of the rainbow.

    Plants are sensitive in ways we don't always understand and the coriander probably knows you really don't like it. Maybe if you could come to like it as a plant, if not as a flavoring, it would do better.

    1. Thanks for this explanation.
      Fyunny thing is, that coriander always makes me think of my daughter, whom I like, so this positive is what it should feel, not my non-like of its taste ;)

  3. I think the tomatoes, cucumbers and dill counts as gold. Gold standard at least.

    1. At least I feel very rich when picking herbs and greens for our meals, so you're rigth.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.