
søndag den 18. juni 2023

Sunday Selection :: June 18 :: Summer

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.
She has now stepped aside (though she will join some weeks), and Elephant's Child has accepted the mantle.
I also sometimes participate, as do Andrew and Messymimi.

The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent. Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections - Nothing rude or vulgar though. - and link back to Elephant's Child.

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A magical evening. The white flowers in the tree - a Clematis -
and the yellow Iris in the pond below were luminous.
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En magisk aften - den hvide klematis i træet
og de gule iris i vandhullet var næsten selvlysende.

Der var også en rose, der slog rødder, den er nu plantet ud.
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A rose had made roots, I planted it in the garden.

And a "snake". It is a grass snake, totally harmless and this one was even quite dead; probably dropped by a bird of prey, as it lay almost unharmed in the middle of the road. Our neighbours' children found it in the road, and I picked it up to show that it was nothing to be afraid of. We have one somewhat poisonous snake in Denmark the Viper. And it is good to be able to know which is which.
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Og en "slange" Det her er en snog, fuldstændig uskadelig, og denne her var oven i købet død. Højs sandsynligt tabt af en rovfugl, da den lå næsten uskadt midt på vejen. Genboens børn fandt den, og jeg samlede den op for at vise dem - og vores børn - at den ikke var hverken farlig eller klam og slimet. Og for at vise dem forskellen på en snog og en hugorm. to tydelige gule nakkepletter.

6 kommentarer:

  1. A beautiful selection - and I love your blue glove. Many of our snakes are venomous. Some very much so. I treat them with respect.

    1. My new gardening gloves. I have FINALLY learnt to use gloves, and have already worn out one pair this year ;)
      Respect is good, fear is not. So I always try to teach the children respect and care, but not fear. Our vipers are not very poisonous (or rather, their poison is very potent, but the amount per bite is small), bees and wasps kill many more than they do. I think last a person died from a viper sting in Denmark was about twenty years ago.

  2. What a beautiful rose! I'm glad you took the time to teach the child about snakes. They are so misunderstood. We have poisonous ones here, and we have to know the difference. I am very polite to the good ones but the poisonous ones get told to take a hike!

    1. Thank you. I think I am a born teacher, I can't not teach! just ask my children ;)
      Yes snakes are misunderstood. People call them slimy, yucky and so on, which they are not, silky-smooth and cool is a better description.
      Our sole poisonous snake, the viper is a hyper-protected species, and you are only allowed to as much as move it away in very specific circumstances.

  3. I wonder if birds of prey drop the snakes to kill them before eating them? Like they drop shellfish to crack the shells to get at the meat. I hope the rose does well in your garden.

    1. As I understod it the birds of prey accidentally drop their prey when scared or during a fight. Rooks, jackdaws, and the occasional raven do drop walnuts from high up to crack them, and seagulls do the same with mussels, even dropping stones on the mussels to crack them.
      I am watering the rose often as it is very dry here, but I hope it will grow.


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