
mandag den 26. juni 2023

Poetry Monday :: Canoe

Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært. Og nok engang kommer jeg til at undskylde til mine danske læsere, for dagens stikord, Kano, fik ikke nogen danske rim til at dukke op i mit stakkels hoved. Der er jo heller ikke faldet nok regn her til selv den mindste lille kanotur, vi fik hele  7 mm.

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 Canoe, is the theme for today, I think I once tried sailing a canoe, but as much as I love water for swimming, wading, splishing and splashing, even fishing or finding of waterlogged, or water polished objects, I do not like trusting my precious limbs to a nutshell at sea.

I gave it a try, but only foolishness resulted. Obviously I cannot do better ... so now I just publish what I ended up with after pulling my hair and crumbling several totally innocent sheets of paper.

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Canoe ...
I never sailed in a canoe,
I'm sure I would be green and blue
and beaten up all over.

I'd rather pitch a tent or two,
Cook meals over a fire too
And eat them in the clover.

But what about a kayak, then
I'm sure that it would be my end
I'd die a death by water

If ever I set to sea again
I'd follow many other men
And swim just like an otter.

A sailor's life is not for me
I do not like a life at sea
And neither at a river

No let me stay here a the quay
A merry life with lots of tea
Will never make me shiver.

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Mirrors

6 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling here, despite the fact that I did like canoeing when I tried it many years ago. Himself intermittently suggests we purchase a canoe and go again. I would rather rent one first, but would happily try again.

    1. I probably would like it too. Open air and water is not a bad combo - not all my poming is 100% truth ;) And as you say: once bitten, twice shy, and I was "bitten" by my experiences with small sailing boats, they always made me seasick. Rowing was fun, canoeing migth be so too.

  2. I like a canoe on a small pond or easy river. Some people like the rapids, but i'm not so sure i want to go that far.

    1. I actually think I would too, it sounds peaceful, and relaxing ... and thinking back, I think I tried once, long ago, on a Swedish lake, and liked it. I'll have to do a rewrite of this post ... maybe next Monday.

  3. I have never tried canoeing, but one summer I went along with several other parents to a school camp and my son aged 8 at the time tried canoeing, in shallow water on the lake and fell in several times until he had only one set of dry clothes left. I suggested he switch to tennis for the rest of the afternoon.

    1. Hehe, getting wet sounds like a risk in canoeing, but many times? It sounds a bit like the canoe was too light for his weight.


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