
mandag den 5. juni 2023

Poetry Monday :: Hot Air Balloon

It is June, the theme of this Poetry Monday is Hot Air Balloon. It is time for a repost from October 2019.

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

For October 14, 2019 Diane gave us Our Bucket List, And I wrote: 

 I do not have a written, dedicated bucket list. Of course I have things I would like to do, and see, and try, but it's not the stuff you normally see on such lists.
 Well the theme is set. Ready, start, rhyme!

So many places I have not been,
so many wondrous sights unseen:

  I'd like to find the rainbow's end and win myself a pot of gold.
Because I like to feast and share
I do not like meals to be spare.

  Another thing, I'd like to do: see a new continent - yes I'm bold
Australia would be my choice
For kangaroos would bring me joys.

  And then I always wanted to be a pilgrim, and I'm told
that Santiago used to be the end
of Spain, I'd like to visit there again

  I've never soared through skies above. And I would sure like to behold
My house from a hot air balloon,
On a nice, cloudless day in June.

  But what I want to most of all is to grow oh, so very old.
Because I'm curious, you know,
I want to see my children grow.
And stay with hubby, grow a tree,
I'd be so happy - as you see. 

          -- o 🛤 o --

Next Monday: Red Roses

6 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting poem, I am sure you would love Australia and all the other places too.


    1. I am sure I would love Australia. All your lovely photos have done nothing but whetting my appetite.

  2. How lovely. If you do make it to Australia please let us know.

  3. I really like this. Someday i wouldn't mind being in a balloon for a short time. A long flight would make me nervous.

    1. Thank you - you made me curious and after looking up ballooning accidents in Wikipedia I am tempted to say it is the safest means of transportation in exsistence ;) Only keep away from power lines.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.