
fredag den 31. marts 2023

A-Z Challenge :: Årets A - Z udfordring

I did it. I signed up for the A-Z Challenge again this year.The challenge seems less hysterically focused on social media, stat counters and so on, and more on genuine writing fun; which was one of my conditions for participating.

My theme will be Resilience as given by the team, with the subtitle Flowers, Trees and Ancestors.

My  A - Z  post will go live at noon every day except Sunday or not at all, so as not to interfere with my other posts - if they are not combined.

And yes, I know that this is not the official badge, but I like Lissa's way better.

A - Z

SÅ besluttede jeg mig alligevel for at deltage i A - Z udfordringen, hvor man hver dag undtagen søndag igennem hele april skriver en tekst om dagens bogstav. A den 1. april, B den 2. april og så videre.
     Dagens A-Z indlæg fra min hånd kommer klokken 12, hvis der altså kommer et den dag.
     Temaet for i år er Resilience som teamet har valgt, og jeg har valgt undertemaet Blomster, træer og forfædre,  så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Colour me awed. The A-Z has always daunted me, and I look forward to your posts.

  2. I'm glad you will do it. It's fun!

  3. Good on ya Charlotte! Looking forward to your posts

  4. I'm sure you will do well with the challenge.

  5. Thank you for your support - I'll be needing it.

  6. Good to see your first post. My first post. Articles and Blogs on Industrial Engineering

    #AtoZChallenge 2023 Theme: A to Z of Industrial Engineering

  7. And now I'm closing down comments on this post. I don't want A-Z participnats only saying "Nice Post - read my post (link)" or words to that account.
