
søndag den 18. december 2022

Søndagsbilleder ~ Stadig sne :: Sunday Selection ~ Still Snowy

Endnu et par dage, i dag søndag og i morgen, mandag, formiddag får vi smukt vintervejr. Så vender det kedelige "ingentingvejr" med skyer, regn og gråt tilbage. Bare se på vejrmeldingen her ... suk. Alle sneuglerne sidder trist tilbage og tuder. 

Men i dag kunne vi nyde det!

Data: DMI, Grafik: BedreVejr
Today and tomorrow, Monday, we will still be treated to nice winter weather. Then it ends, and grey, dreary, low clouds and rain will be taking over. MotherOwl and the other SnowOwls are quite sad. Look at what's in the future according to DMI.

But today we enjoyed.

Hov, hvor er fuglene? Jeg står og ser på dem, længe. Men i det øjeblik, jeg tager mit kamera - vupti, ikke en fugl i syne!

And where are the birds? I stand for long, just looking at them. But the second I grab  my camera. Voila, not a bird in sight!

Snefeer danser på engen.

The snow fairies are dancing in the meadows.

--- ❅ ---

Og byens juletræ. Det er pænere med lys på, indrømmet. Men hvorfor katten kan vi ikke bare få et rigtigt træ?

And the tree in town now lit, which absolutely is an improvement. But drat it, why can't we just have a real tree?

Og lad os ende med noget smukt. Mere sne og en sjagger

Let's end on a positive note. More snow and a fieldfare!

Glædelig 4. søndag i advent -- Happy 4th Sunday of Advent

6 kommentarer:

  1. How I love your Sunday Selections. And long to see real trees decorated for the season - something I hope to post on my next Sunday Selections.

    1. Thank you and so do I. Next Sunday our tree will be up, and a very probable subject of my selections.

  2. Because a real tree would have to be bought new each year and this fake one can be packed away and used again and again so the city council saves money? Well, that's why I have a fake tree anyway, so I don't have to buy and dispose of a real one each year, but now I don't even put up the fake tree.

    1. Yes, that's the reason. The "funny" ting is that in all the smaller towns of our area real trees are still put up every year. Only in the main city of Gribskov (that last part means woods!) do we have a fake tree, and a new fake tree this year. The first one only lasted for 6 years. Someone always donated the tree, so ... I do not know how much the're really saving - and saving on "hygge" is not good for a town in Denmark at Christmas time.

  3. I also like your selections, and enjoy real trees much more.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.