
tirsdag den 16. august 2022

Words for Wednesday Aunt Jemima's Garden 3

Tomorrow is Wednesday. A new batch of words will be given us by our master, Elephant's  Child Elephant's Child. Before then I would like to use up last Wednesday's Words. I still miss the second half:


am - once again -  continuing the story of  Susan and her friends. Now using the second set of words - in the order they were given of course. This is a bit short, the Words were for once easy to use
😇 I promise more to come.

Heidi and Susan got off the bus near the white farmhouse as they had been instructed. Now follow the street lights, not lit this time of day, and keep on for around two kilometres until they reached the golf club. It was a wonderful summer's day, the road was dry and small clouds of dust rose from the surface if they stomped hard enough. In the end they were quite dusty, and eventually shoes and socks were removed and they waded in the brook along the way. Small insects left the tempting, honey smelling flowers, brushed up against their bare legs below the skirts, and flew away again. Susan unthinkingly repelled the moth-like flutterers as they tickled her bare legs. Heidi looked at her in envy, but she did not say a word. Susan did not consciously use magic, and telling her what she did, would only spoil the day. Using magic out of school was the one thing where they did not agree. Heidi's mother Sandra clamped down on the rules here, forbidding Heidi and her siblings, the twins Lis and Tage even the smallest spell as long as they were not within the borders of the Unicorn Farm. Susan's parents of course did not care, and she was not averse to making her tasks easier by use of a cantrip now and then. 
When finally they reached the golf club, they sat down on the green grass next to the road, ate a single sandwich and drank some of their sodas, carefully closing the bottles  with the flip-top seals.

 ... to be continued

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love the idea of magic being so integral that Susan doesn't even realise that she is using it...

    1. I think it's because she has not had the education and thus awareness of magic that Heidi and her siblings have been taught by their overanxious mother.

  2. I can picture them walking down the dusty path and then in the creek, it's a lovely mental image, thank you. I wish I had magic that I could use without thinking.

    1. These pictures come from my own childhood summers. Magic, I always dreamt, fantasized of having this ... it's my childhood dream come true.

  3. Hmm, maybe Susan could repel the small bugs for both of them. Although, if she realized what she was doing, she might not be able to do it so well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.