
tirsdag den 30. august 2022

Hvis jeg var julemanden ...

If I were santa ...

I dag - 30. august var jeg på indkøb
Mirabeller og slåen hænger tæt på træerne, solen skinner igen 😃 og fuglene synger.

Today, August 30, I went shopping.
The sun is shining again 😃 and the birds are singing. Cherry plums and sloe are ripening on the branches.

Dagens billeder  --  Today in photos
Store, næsten modne slåen  --  Big, almost ripe sloe berries.

Hvor er der mange mirabeller i år  --  What a lot of Cherry plums!

Smukke japanske lygter  -- Pretty Japanese Lanterns.

Inde i byen  --  In the town
Kan det virkeligt være ...   Can it be ...

Det er det! Hvis jeg var julemanden, ville jeg strejke! Det er galt nok med jul i juli til at ødelægge sommereferien, men hvis han nu skal på arbejde fra sidst i august. Suk.
- - - - -
Yes it IS: If I were santa I'd go on strike. It's bad enough with these Christmas in July-parties. But now he has to start work in late August. Sigh.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I loved your early photos. I haven't yet seen any signs about Santa here - and hope not to for months. I am probably hoping in vain.

  2. Such beautiful berries and plums.

    It's a sad fact of life, they have to sell Christmas items to people early so they'll plan and know what decorations they will use. You don't have to put them up before Advent, but it certainly helps to have it all purchased by then.

  3. Santa already! That is too early. I know people like to shop early and have time to buy a little at a time to be ready by December, but August! oh well.
    That is a beautiful picture with all the cherry plums. What does the sloe get used for? Do people make sloe gin?

  4. It is sad.
    Do people buy this stuff already?
    Imagine to buy an artificial Christmas tree now and then put it where?
    Even if you don´t have small kids... logistic-problem!
    it´s just wrong. And sad.

    1. I don't know if people buy this already. It makes me feel depressed and shun the shops selling this stuff. Even if my children are not small any longer, waiting is a great deal of Christmas magic.


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