
fredag den 12. august 2022

Fredagsfrustration - Nethandel

Friday Frustration Internet Shopping.

For English see below the picture.

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Nej, jeg er hverken blevet snydt eller udplyndret, eller har fået noget andet eller ringere end det jeg ønskede mig. Jeg er bare frustreret!
I går aftes fandt jeg nogle fine sylteglas frem,. Jeg havde købt dem meget billigt i et supermarked for et års tid siden, da syltesæsonen var slut og sat dem op til de andre glas. Da jeg hev dem frem, manglede gummiringe og lukkedimser! Det var altså derfor de var så billige! nogen havde hugget det fra pakken. Øv, Jeg tog selvfølgelig ned i mit lokale isenkræmmer og spurgte efter sådan nogle - det var nemlig hvad jeg gjorde sidst. Men nej, den slags småting sælger en velassorteret isenkræmmer ikke i vore dage. Hjemme igen ville jeg lige finde ud af, om man overhovedet kunne få sådan nogle. Det kunne man sagtens - i en netbutik. Jeg skal bruge to poser gummiringe til mine 12 glas.

I butik 1 koster en pose gummiringe 14 kr, to koster så 28 kroner, og dertil kommer porto: 49 kr. I alt at betale 77 kr. Og så tager det 1-2 hverdage, så de ville nok ankomme på tirsdag.

I butik 2 er ringene billigere, 12 kr pakken, jeg har stadig brug for to = 24 kr. Men så er der et håndteringsgebyr, når jeg nu køber for under 100 kr. på 39 kr. og fragt. 95  kr. I alt 158 kr. Og de ankommer nok også først på tirsdag.
Butik 2 tilbyder gratis afhentning ca. 5 timers togtur fra Ugleboet, nej tak, det koster nok væsentlig mere end 134 kr.

Butik 1 tilbyder fri fragt, hvis jeg melder mig ind i deres klub, hvis man groft sagt giver dem lov til at kontakte én på alle mulige måder, telefon, email og sociale medier, og til at bruge alle de informationer, de finder der til markedsføringsformål - med andre ord, sælg din sjæl for 49 kroner ... også nej tak til det tilbud.

Det værste ved historien er nok, at det er de her netbutikker, der er skyld i at den lokale isenkræmmer ikke længere fører den slags småting. Og jeg fatter stadig ikke hvorfor nethandel er vokset så meget. Den fragt er dyr jo, og så tager det tid ... og man kan ikke prøve, klemme, mærke, lugte osv.

No, I have been neither cheated nor robbed, nor have I received anything different or inferior to what I ordered. I'm just frustrated!
Last night I found some nice jars of jam. I bought them very cheap in a supermarket a year ago when the jam season was over and placed them with the other jars. When I pulled them out, they were missing rubber rings and metal seals! That was why they were so cheap! Someone had nicked those pieces from the crate. Bummer, Of course I went down to my local hardware store and asked for some - because that's what I did last time. But no, a well-stocked hardware store doesn't carry that kind of small stuff any more. Back home, I wanted to find out if you could even get some. I could - in an online shop. I need two bags of rubber rings for my 12 glasses.

In shop 1 one bag costs 14 kr, two are 28 kroner, plus postage; 49 kr. In total 77 kr. And with delivery within 1-2 business days they would probably arrive Tuesday or Wednesday.

In shop 2 the rings are cheaper, 12 kr per package, I still need two = 24 kr. But then there's a handling fee, because I buy for less than 100 kr. that's 39 kr. extra. Then postage: 95 kr no less. In total 158 kr. And they probably won't arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday either.
Shop 2 offers free pickup about 5 hours train ride from the Owlery. No thanks, as this will cost me significantly more than 134 kr (not to speak of 11 hours spent in trains and buses).

Shop 1 offers free shipping if I join their club, where you roughly allow them to contact you in all possible ways, phone, email and social media, and to use all the information they find there for marketing purposes - in other words, sell your soul for 49 kroner. No thanks to that offer as well.

The bugger is that the reason my local hardware store does not carry these any longer is probably because of the online stores. I still fail to see why online shopping has become so big.

10 kommentarer:

  1. HUGE sigh. And loyalty clubs bother me too.

    1. Yes. I always feel people selling their souls for small change money. Sigh.

  2. It boggles my mind. Online shopping is great for things that are not in your local store normally, but if it is, it's easier to just get it there.

    1. Easier, yes, and mostly charper as well. I at least never buy enough to hit the limit for free shipping. Shop number 1 in my example offers this off 100 kr. That would be like 72 bags of rubber seals :D

  3. It is very frustrating. Here in Adelaide there is an old-fashioned furniture/hardware store, they make furniture in the back and in the store part they sell all kinds of old fashioned stuff that the big hardware stores don't have. I have been there several times for things that were hard to find, but on my last visit I was disappointed to find their enamel bakeware was no longer the thick sturdy items but cheaper, almost "tinny" and made in China. They wouldn't last nearly as long as the good stuff would have so I didn't buy. But they have things like rubber rings and complete preserving kits too.

    1. I would like to visit that one, it sounds like a large shop like the small oone I finally found carrying my rubber seals (in Copenhagen, so off on a journey I go). Bad, cheap stuff displacing good stuff is one of the big mysteries of commerce to me.

  4. I thought I left a comment but maybe I am in spam jail or maybe I hit the wrong button! Anyway, the summary of it was that I don't like online shopping but have to resort to it from time to time. But all I can think of is the emissions of the delivery vehicles, the poor working conditions and low wages of the delivery people, and the fact that online stores have helped to put our local small businesses out of business ...

    1. As there's nothing in spam jail - nice expression - and I look at least once a day; you must have hiot the wrong button, or a cyber worm ate it.
      Your thoughts on online shops echo mine, the last part always leave me wondering, why do some people chooes to pay postage and shipping to be allowed to wait some days for the goods? Do they only think: Oh the price is .50 cheaper in the webshop - and forget about postage, emissions and underpaid workers?
      I try to avoid webshops as much as possible, and only buy there what is not to be had at all locally, or even semi-locally.

  5. Ugh. I hate shopping in stores. Online looked like a miracle. Not any more...

    1. I understand not likíng going out, or many people, but I like touchiong, smelling ... before buying. Online is fine for things, where all are alike - (books, spare parts for household mashines) or I cannot get it without travelling far (things from other countries in general). It sure is no miracle, but often a convenience.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.