
onsdag den 8. juni 2022

Words for Wednesday -- The Words -- June 8

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Troubles led her to bow out, but the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. With Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.
  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.



23 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you, i'll get down to business.

  2. Mom. Do you recognise your child in this description?
    Is he or she a dirt magnet and death to clothes?
    Is there a sort of chemistry between them and dirt (and in particular dirt that stains)?
    Can you guarantee that at every opportunity they get, whether they are in a restaurant with you, playing with their friends, or even asleep in their bed they will attract and collect more dirt?
    Do you worry that people will see your dirty child and think you are a bad mother? Does this cause you sleepless nights, and jeopardise your social standing?
    Fret no more.
    CleanAway is the agency for you. Their advertisement says that everything can be cleaned, and all you need do is follow their simple instructions. You simply post your child to them in the case they provide and in less than twenty four hours they will return a clean and shiny facsimile which can, at the touch of a discrete button, interact politely with friends, neighbours and people you need to impress.
    Or you could adopt a more practical philosophy and resign yourself to the truth that dirt is a fact of life and that ‘most’ children eventually grow out of it. Your choice.

    1. Excellent! I'd be more inclined to not care what people think and let my kids play as they wish, which is actually what I and they did. Why else did I have a bathtub and washing machine?

    2. Dirt is part of the fun!

    3. I'm totally with River here, a little (or even some) dirt never hurt anybody, and is indeed part of the fun. Bath and washing mashines are glorious inventions. Being polite ... I could reconsider that button ... but then again, no thanks.
      Wonderful use of my stupid words!

    4. My mother could tell lots of stories about dirty but happy children.

    5. Dirt(y) has such a pejorative touch. Mud-caked sounds much sweeter. ;-)

    6. 'Mud,mud, glorious mud, there is nothing quite like it for cooling the blood...'

    7. Ha, ha, Sue. Glorious (mud)!

    8. Elephant's Child: That CleanAway is amusing. Would parents desperate enough to do that? Quite amusing. Good use of the words for wed prompts.

      Have a lovely day.

  3. I'll put my mind to work on these tomorrow and have a story on my blog on Friday.

  4. Knowing the fact that clothes make people, a bachelor in chemistry and poetry in his pocket he took the opportunity offered by the agency "Truth", after some instructions to take over "Mom's Restaurant. Not his Mom's, mind you.
    Soon Death was a special guest.
    Rings hollow?
    There are more things in heaven and earth, dear readers, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    1. Many, many more things than my philosophy can encompass. Death a special guest? Invited in, or pushing his way to the tables? My mind is wandering - for which I thank you.

    2. Very intriguing, sir! Pardon me if i'd rather not dine there.

    3. @ Sue: I suppose the Grim Reaper felt invited by all the chemistry in the fast food.
      @ Mimi: You are forgiven. ;-)

    4. This is a strange tale, Mind if I join Messymimi in not eating there?

    5. @ Charlotte: I was a bit loquacious, there. Mike put it straight forward

  5. Great prompts Charlotte. My story is a day late but is now posted on my blog.

  6. Mom's restaurant gave us the opportunity to find out the truth about death through chemistry.

  7. We have eaten in this restaurant more times than can be counted. What it is, we don't know. The chemistry of the chef or of talented sous chefs or just the fact of
    Mom was the head of the place, and no one messed with Mom. Her food was one that all people was one that customers viewed as a philosophy of life. Death or truth? Opportunity for a universal truth? Just eat the food, Mom said, and no one messed with Mom.

  8. Here's my take on the prompt: Fiction: St. Felicity's Newest Arrival 2 & 3. Just alittle late...

    Thanks for the words.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.