
torsdag den 23. juni 2022

Gode, dårlige nyheder -- Good, Bad News

     This is my last photo from the OwlTV livestream. Yesterday evening the owlets fought over a root, trying to eat it and the biggest of them took a tumble down the slope. Klaus went there today with the double purpose of picking it up and checking the owlets' health.
    They were dehydrated and starving and were put in crates and carted off to somewhere, where nice people will feed and care for them. When they are able to find their own food, they'll be transported back again.
     Thus ends this year's dramatic live Owlstream with a happy, unhappy ending. 

-- 🦉 -- 🦉 -- 🦉 --

UgleKlaus skriver:
Ugleungerne i UgleTV får ikke føde og væske nok efter uglemorens død. På den baggrund har DOF valgt at bringe ungerne til en vildtplejestation og slukker derfor for UgleTV.
     Læs mere om hjælpen til ungerne og afslutningen på årets UgleTV her.
     Miljøstyrelsen har torsdag formiddag godkendt, at DOF BirdLife kan ”transportere de 3 nødstedte unger til nærmeste vildtplejestation, der kan håndtere ugler”.
     Nu får alle tre unger professionel hjælp og vil blive sat tilbage i redeområdet i grusgraven, når de er udvokset om cirka fire uger og kan klare sig selv, siger Klaus Dichmann, ugleekspert og hovedmand bag UgleTV.
     Dermed er denne dramatiske sæson af UgleTV nu slut for i år. Mange tak, fordi I kiggede med.

10 kommentarer:

  1. I am so, so glad they were taken care of and so promptly. They are adorable.

    1. Yes they are adorable, and I too am so happy they're given a chance to survive. Poor daddy owl, his best was not good enough, he did not understand where mommy olw went.

  2. Sad and happy indeed. However the happy wins. I am so very glad that they were being watched and have been taken into care.

    1. True, happy wins. Therr more owls in the world is good!

  3. I've followed them daily, I trembled for them when their food provision was getting scarce, I'm so glad they are now taken care of by professionals. They are such interesting, adorable cuties (love them) ! Thank you for having given the link to Ugle TV.

    1. Yes I saw your comment there, and was grateful for your following the owlstream.
      I too was worrying over poor daddy owls shortcoming, and the bleak prospect for the owlets. This is mostly a happy ending.

  4. May they thrive and live to raise their own nestlings.

    1. They will be put back into the nest when they ca fend for themselves, by the end of July Klaus supposes.

  5. I am so glad the owlets got rescued and will now be safe and fed. Did something happen to the mother?

    1. Yes, she was caught in some loose wire from a fence and died between June 12 and 14. Daddy owl did his best, but he could not manage.


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