
mandag den 1. november 2021

Poetry Monday :: New Lease

Maybe all the drawing and painting during October (InkTober) has addled my brain.
Here are the two last October drawings: Trick and Treat from Simple Daily Drawing & Slither and Risk from InkTober:


But it's not Drawing Monday! It's Poetry Monday!

If you want to read some better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more! I think this theme should entice her to participate.
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way. And dare we hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.

 New Lease was the prompt we were given. What to do? I think there was an option to treat the prompt with ignore and just write. At least that's what I did.

I am Jack of all trades and a master of none
It is as it should be, I have all the fun.
A master must work hard to keep his position
And never relax due to the opposition.
And just to excel, he must stay in his rut
While I play while I work and can follow my gut.
I can paint, sculpt, and draw and get praise for progress,
While critics will measure his works with his bests
So after all now everything's been said and done
I'll take jack of all trades to a master of one!

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Next Mondays topic: Puns

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Coming up:
Clean Out Your Refrigerator (November 15)
Your favorite record (or) best stereo or record player ever (November 22)
Chia Pets (November 29)
Hanukkah/Holidays (December 6)
Ice Cream (December 13)
Music (December 20)
Fruitcake (December 27)
Sleep (January 3)

12 kommentarer:

  1. I like your art AND your musings. And I am also a jack of many trades. Though a part of me would like to master at least one...

    1. I too would like to be master of one trade, but not at the expense of being jack of many other, so ... not going to happen.

  2. Fantastic art, Charlotte. I am in awe!
    And I love your poem!
    I, too see the variety of being a Jack of many Trades. I often look at the people who excel (Say...someone in the Olympics) and think of what they've had to sacrifice to get to that podium. I don't have that dedication. Or focus. I like too many different things. And I REALLY enjoy my life!
    Here's to us 'Jacks'!

  3. Excellent poem, I think I'd prefer Jack of all Trades too, knowing a bit about every job would enable a person to get work almost anywhere.
    I like your drawings.

  4. Great poem, and I totally agree, an interesting life is a life well lived.

  5. Well done! You are an artist, in so many ways.

  6. Jeg tegner også altid tegneserie-krimskrams hvis der ligger så meget som en postit og en kuglepen på kontoret.

    1. Det gjorde jeg også engang, og det vil jeg meget gerne tilbage til igen. Jeg synes den daglige på mindelse fra Simple Daily Drawing er god til at huske mig på det.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.