
onsdag den 23. juni 2021

Words for Wednesday - June 23

This June  the Words for Wednesday are at River's blog Drifting Through Life. For June 16 we were given:

Thundering hooves

Remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please place a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

I promised to continue Susan's story. But these words belong back on the Unicorn Farm. I'll take a break from the depressing story of Susan's comedown. Again I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order, they were given.
It's not good this time around. But I could not do better. I'm sorry. If I get a better idea, I'll write more.

And I'm sorry for taking the post down again. I don't know what happened. It seems sometimes, when you have two tabs with two different posts in them, DNB will merge them into one when you press Publish. This is the right one.

"we're looking for the unicorns!" Thora said. The apprentices murmured and dragged their feet. Nobody but Susan had ever seen a unicorn around.
"Don't you trust me?" Thora asked, but nobody was bold enough to say so to her face, even if not a few actually doubted her words.
First came the ominous sound of thundering hooves in the distance, then a shuffling of unshod hooves. The velvet green and blue eyes and the slick white skin shone in the still morning air.
"Yes" Thora said, "these are real, true unicorns. Why did you think we called this place Unicorn Farm. Of course we have unicorns here, it would not be appropriate else. It's a comforting thought that they have returned.  And I'm happy to be able to introduce you to them - and the other way around."

Later in the day they sat on the fence, watching the unicorns graze and drank milkshakes. It was unicorn milkshakes, white, with a silvery sparkle and blue and green dots inside. The Nisser really did those things well. It was hot, the sun shone from a clear blue sky, and Thora surprised them all by wearing a hat. And old green sun helmet. "It belonged to my grandfather," she said proudly. Nobody dared to laugh, but the apprentices sure found the helmet funny. Seeing Thora in that contraption was like seeing Torben knitting, or Susan turning a somersault on a broomstick. At the same time unthinkable and a bit ridiculous. During the break their eyes were drawn to poor Thora's head more often because of her peculiar choice of headgear. A straw-hat, or even a sun bonnet would have been more her style than that old thing smelling of wars and jungles.

5 kommentarer:

  1. You are being too hard on yourself. Again. This is a delightful snippet - and how I would love to see unicorns.

  2. You've made me smile, imagining Thora in her helmet. Of course, it's the Unicorn Farm for a reason, i am glad they now believe it.

  3. I like this very much. I'm glad the unicorns have come back to Unicorn Farm. I can imagine the giggles about the old helmet being worn as a sunhat. I'm wondering what a unicorn milkshake might taste like.

  4. Thank you all for encouragement and kind words.

  5. My Nieces loooove unicorns!
    And what a shame Germany does on not having the (stupid soccer) stadion not in these colors...
    Sunhat, please ;-)


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