
mandag den 12. april 2021

TUSAL - April 2021

 Today is the new Moon of April 2021.

Now Spring is at long last on its way in this hemisphere. In the southern parts days are getting cooler.

What is TUSAL: It is an acronym for Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long. See my explanation HERE and follow the link to Daffycats blog for more.

Here are my April ORTs.

And the finished project from where they came:

Tabi socks (ninja socks)

12 kommentarer:

  1. Love the mittens - something I have not worn (or needed) in years. Wonderful soft cheery colours.

    1. Thank you, yes soothing colours. But it's not mittens - it's crazy socks with the big toe separate from the other ones - for those ninja-boots of mine ;)

    2. My mistake (sorry). I don't wear socks very often either.

    3. Lusky you. We need socks AND mittens now. Today's maximum temperauter is expected to be 5 degrees, and yesteday we had sleet and freezing. Yes it's spring ;)

    4. that strange word should be "Lucky"!

  2. Love the colors! They are meant for socks, right, with the largest toe separate from the rest?

    1. Yes, ninja socks for ninja boots. Also called tabi. I still have my old pair and love it in the summer.

  3. Love the colourful Ninja socks :)

  4. Very pretty colours in your mittens.

  5. Love you Tabi socks, the colorway is lovely.


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