
søndag den 18. april 2021

Sunday Selections - Hunting for Pink

En dag om ugen til at vise alle de billeder, man ellers ikke får set eller vist frem. Sjovt, alvorligt, trist, irriterende, men ikke noget sjofelt. tak.
     Ideen kom oprindeligt fra Kim at  Frogpondsrock, men nu er det Elephant's Child, der er vært.
     Dagens tema: pink og Enhjørningegården!

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Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
Now Elephant's Child is hosting it.

The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent. Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to her blog.

Linking up with Life in Colour. The colour of this month being pink.
As pink is a very unusual colour in the Owlery. I had to searc my photos all the way bach to January to find something pink.

Pink Legos The Unicorn Farm edition:

The Alchemy corner

The greenhouse and the old gardener

A late-comers breakfast

Wandsinging - not overmuch pink

6 kommentarer:

  1. Loving the Unicorn (and Pink) edition of Sunday Selections. Thank you for joining us.

  2. Svar
    1. Thank you. Legos are actually a kind of magic.

  3. I did not know Lego came in such fun packages! Unicorn Farm and the Gardener!

    1. This is put together from a lot of different places. Some old, some new. Those pastel coloured Legos are a new addition.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.