
torsdag den 22. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ S - Susan

Hver dag klokken 12 kommer der et A-Z indlæg. Temaet er ekkoer, de løse ender, halve projekter, nye begyndelser, gyldne løfter og lokkende udsigter. Men jeg ville ikke være Uglemor, hvis ikke der sneg sig nye projekter og ideer ind i denne omgang A-Z også.
Ⓐ - Ⓩ
Every day at noon a new A-Z post goes live. The theme is Echoes, finishing touches, half done projects and endings. But I would not be me if these posts would not contain more than a fair share of new beginnings and plans.

S for Susan

     En af de ting, der fylder rigtig meget her på Uglemors blog er Susan og hendes meritter både på Enhjørningegården og i den virkelige verden.

     Olga Godim, der deltager i årets  A-Z Challenge skriver charmerende og spændende historier om magi, sværd og fantastiske mennesker på sin blog. Som tema for årets A-Z har hun valgt fiktive bogforsider.
     Jeg tog mod til mig og foreslog hende Susans historie - Enhjørningegården, og søreme om ikke hun har lavet en forside til min bog. Det er da fantastisk.
     Man kan se en masse af hendes andre flotte og spændende forsider på Deviantart: HER.

Det her er da ret fortryllende!
Bemærk at det er Susan, der står som forfatter - Uglemor foretrækker anonymitet indtil videre.

One of the things that really take up space and words on MotherOwl's blog is Susan and her adventures at Unicorn Farm and in the real world.

One of the participants in the A-Z Challenge this year is Olga Godim, who writes really well written fantasy and speculative fiction on her blog. As she says herself, she writes about "magic, swords, and the wonderful folks of her imagination."
For the challenge she is making up covers for books. I pulled together all my daring and suggested Unicorn Farm as a possibility for a cover. As Olga Godim had already covered "U" she kindly made a cover just for me - how lucky can you be!
Look up her collection of fabulous covers at Deviantart: HERE

Isn't this just fantastic!
Please notice that the author is Susan, MotherOwl prefers to remain anonymous for some time yet.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Olga does SPECTACULAR work doesn't she. I am so glad that you took your courage in both hands and asked her - and loved the book cover that she made for you.

    1. Yes, Olga is really good at this. I think this cover is quite magical.

  2. The cover is lovely, a little bit magical with the stars and unicorn.
    I will have to read the Goslar stories later in the week, this afternoon is dedicated to making a birthday cake, a neighbour is turning 85.

    1. Oh, happy birthday to her. The story will keep!

  3. What fun to have an A to Z collaboration! Beautiful cover.
    Black and White: S for Shangri-La

    1. Thank you. I am very happy that Olga Godim wanted to collaborate.

    2. Wrong link to Anne's blog. Go here instead: Shangri-La

  4. What does the text on the lower left "Adgang forbudt!.." mean or are those just fillers?

    It's a good cover although if I was to design this I might make the title 'Unicorn Farm' center, it makes no sense to me being flush right. I like the colors and the girl with the hair and bow. I would make the girl hold a wand to make us know she's magical. Were there actual unicorns at the school? I don't recall any. Sorry if I said too much. I seem to have a habit of critiquing especially with book covers.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.