
onsdag den 14. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ L - Lygtepæl

Hver dag klokken 12 kommer der et A-Z indlæg. Temaet er ekkoer, de løse ender, halve projekter, nye begyndelser, gyldne løfter og lokkende udsigter. Men jeg ville ikke være Uglemor, hvis ikke der sneg sig nye projekter og ideer ind i denne omgang A-Z også.
Ⓐ - Ⓩ
Every day at noon a new A-Z post goes live. The theme is Ecchoes, finishing touches, half done projects and endings. But I would not be me if these posts would not contain more than a fair share of new beginnings and plans.

L for Lygtepæl  =   Lamp post

     Dette er ikke noget rigtigt ekko, vist kun fra Uglemors barndom. For i hendes have, da hun var lille, groede der en underlig ting, nemlig en lygtepæl. Da hun blev stor, og fandt vejen til Narnia, blev hun klar over, at hun nok havde boet nær de magiske lygtepæl hele sin barndom, men uden at vide det.
     Uglemor flyttede, familien solgte huset, men lygteplælen blev ikke solgt med! Længe lå den hos et familiemedlem og ventede. Så fik Uglemor et hus, og søreme også lygtepælen. Men den lå bare og ventede.
     Men nu .. nu er noget af kloaken i Uglebo gået itu, og der bliver gravet store huller. Uglemor fik en lys idé. Vi planter da bare lygtepælen! Og tænk, det kommer til at ske!

-- 💡 --

This is not a real echo, and if,  then only from MotherOwl's childhood. For in her garden when she was small, there was a strange thing growing, a lamp post. When she became a grown-up and found the way to Narnia, she became aware that she had probably lived near the magical lamp all her childhood, but never known!
      Then MotherOwl left the nest, the family sold the house, but the lamp post was not sold! Long it lay at a family member and waited. Then MotehrOwl bought a home, and got the lamp post back. And then it waited.
      But now .. Now some of the sewage in the Owlery has broken down, and big holes are dug. MotherOwl got a bright idea. Let's plant the lamp post once again! And it's going to happen!

-- 💡 --

Dette billede er fra Pinterest - jeg har ikke kunnet finde ophavsmanden. Det vil blive erstattet af den ægte vare senere
Picture from Pinterest, I have been unabel to find the author - it will be exchanged for the real one later.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Oooooh. The magic of lamp posts (and particularly in the snow) is one I have never experienced and always longed too...

    1. I had tis magic every winter as a child - and did not know how lucky I was.

  2. Do you mean 'never known' - ...all her childhood, but never known-? Sorry, I don't know why, I feel like correcting everyone's English and not just yours.

    Have you seen The Chronicles of Narnia movies or read the books? I feel like you're describing this lamp post from that - from the first book anyway. Or are you talking about childhood imagination? I guess what you said here could be interpret in a few ways.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for corrections - especially these which spell checker does not catch!

      I read the Narnia books as an adult, but long before the movies were ever made, and of course I imagined the lamp post to look like the one from my childhood, which luckily seems to tally with how artists all over seem to depict the lamp post. You'll get to see mine when it's planted ;)

  3. How i would love to find that lamppost.

  4. What fun to have a magical lamp post of your own. We have a lamp post that is only magical under two circumstances: 1. at dusk during a snowfall, when the light is on and big fluffy flakes are falling past, 2. in late summer mornings when it has morning glories growing all up it.
    Black and White: P for Plurimiregia


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.