
fredag den 9. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ G - Genbrug

G er for Genbrug
G is for Genbrug - Recycling.

   For to år siden  ryddede Uglemor også op i domen, og sorterede pænt plastik, metal, glas og organisk affald hver for sig. Hun brokkede sig over at hun skulle bringe metal og glas med på indkøb med bus eller på cykel og skrev her på bloggen: "Ugemor er lidt sur over, at der kun er genbrugsbøtter til aviser og glas i vores lille landsby. Genbrug skal gøres nemt, ellers virker det ikke."
     Det gik så op for Uglemor, at lige meget hvor meget ret hun havde, ville der nok ikke komme flere genbrugscontainere henne ved stoppestedet, fordi hun skrev på sin blog. Derfor satte hun sig og skrev til den relevante person på rådhuset og fik et venligt svar, der fortalte, at de skam ville komme - snart! Og søreme. Det varede ikke længe, før Uglemor ikke behøvede at tage metal, glas og plast med på indkøb, men kunne nøjes med en spadseretur på 200 meter hver vej. Hurra!

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  Two years ago MotherOwl also cleaned and washed the dome. And as seen in the below photo sorted all the things to be thrown out nicely in metals, plastics, glass and organic. The organic was no problem. Compost and hens taking care of that, but the other three parts were. MotherOwl wrote that she would have to bring the plastic and metal trash with her shopping and dispose of it in a communal recycle bin for plastics, simultaneously grumbling over the fact that she needs to take recyclable plastic and metal for a bus ride. "Recycling should be made easy, and even our little village should have bins for plastic and metal as a supplement to the existing paper and glass bins," she ended.
  Then MotherOwl realised she was barking up the wrong tree. No matter how right she was, grumbling on her blog would not bring recycling containers to her small village. She wrote the relevant person qt the town hall and had a nice answer saying in effect that such containers would be put up - soon!
   This year after cleaning the Dome, MotherOwl took her metal, plastic and glass garbage for a small walk - all of 200 metres - and disposed of them in the relevant bins.

Affald og ikke-affald pænt sorteret for to år siden. Det så næsten ligesådan ud i år 
Trash and not-trash two years ago. It looked very much the same this year.

Genbrugscontainerne: Papir & glas, de to oprindelige og så metal & plastic, de to nytilkomne. Batterier er en lille rød boks omme bagved.
Recycling station: Paper & glass, the two original ones; then metal & plastic, two new ones. Batteries go in a small red box behind those big ones.

Årets genbrugshøst fra domen. Plastic i den firkantede, og glas og metal i den halvrunde.
This years harvest of trash from the dome: Plastic in the square pot and glass /  metal in the half round one.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful.
    Our recycling is collected from our homes each fortnight - and I am very, very grateful for this government service.

    1. What a great way of doing it. When we lived in Germany it was a mixture. Some was colles´cdet, som you had to walk like 200-500 metres to put in a collextion of containers. Denmark is way behind (we lived in Germany 2003-2004).
      Here we have the "to be burned" and biological fragments collected each fortnight. The rest is walk or drive somewhere to hand in - which of coure results in people stuffing everything into the "to be burned".

  2. Our recycling is picked up each week. Now if i could just convince people to sort properly and not put trash in the recycle.

    1. OH yes Would be soo good. Here people just put everything ting ionto the rest, or "red - to be burned -bin" - of course resulting in this ones overflowing because it is picked up every odd-numbered monday and the "Greeen - organic" one each even-numbered Monday.
      Make recycling easy has been my motto like forever. It seems not to help :(

  3. Recycling is good for the environment but it's a bit difficult. I can never tell which things are recyclable and which are not. Some are easy to tell but others take guess work.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.