
tirsdag den 27. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ Danish letters - Æ - Æg

    Hver dag i april kommer der et A-Z indlæg klokken 12. Temaet er ekkoer, de løse ender, halve projekter, nye begyndelser, gyldne løfter og lokkende udsigter. Men jeg ville ikke være Uglemor, hvis ikke der sneg sig nye projekter og ideer ind i denne omgang A-Z også.
     Og så bruger jeg lige som for to år siden Æ, Ø og Å i stedet for de halvumulige W, X Y og Z
Ⓐ - Ⓩ
Every day in April a new A-Z post goes live at noon. The theme is Echoes, finishing touches, half done projects and endings. But I would not be MotherOwl if these posts would not contain more than a fair share of new beginnings and plans.

   Yesterday we did V, so today should be W, followed by X, Y and Z But those letters are not used very much in Danish, so just as two years ago I'm going to use the letters Æ, Ø and Å from the Danish alphabet instead.

Æ for Æg  =  Egg

Æg kommer fra høns, og Uglemor har lige investeret i seks nye høns. Hun er en smule bekymret for fugleinfluenzaen ...
     I februar 2017 hærgede fugleinfluenzaen i Danmark. Høns skulle lukkes inde, men ikke gæs og ænder. Vi var flere, der skrev oprørte breve, blogindlæg og så videre, men det hele løb bare ud i sandet og pludselig en dag -  den 10. april - måtte og kunne vi have høns igen.
   Det første indlæg fortæller om haveinstallationen "De løsslupne hønniker". Den fik jeg aldrig åbnet, men i mandags hentede jeg nye høns, der faktisk er de farver, den gamle installationsberetning beskriver. Måske bør jeg nu installere røde pinde og blå kugler også ... bare i tilfælde af at fugleinfluenzaen skulle komme igen.

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  Eggs come from hens. Last Monday MotherOwl had six new hens, but she's a bit disquieted. The avian flu is rearing its ugly head ...
  February 2017 the avian flu went wild in Denmark. All hens were to be kept indoors - or slaughtered. The same was not so for geese and ducks. They were only slaughtered as they became ill. We were many writing angry letters Facebook and blog posts and so on. Nothing really helped. We were left suspended in a vacuum for over two months until finally 10th of April chickens were once again set free.
 The first post describes the garden installation "The Roaming Pullets". For several reasons I never followed up on this idea. But this Monday I got some new pullets actually exactly the variation in colours described in the installation. Maybe I should put up some red branches and find a lot of blue balls so that I can just declare my pullets part of this work of art, should the avian flu return.

Hønnikerne og de røde buske  --  The pullets and the red bush.

Her følger en beskrivelse (kun let opdateret) af haveinstallationen: De løsslupne hønniker:
    Nu har vi så indkøbe nogle nye hønniker, det er to grønlæggere der med tiden vil lægge turkisgrønne æg, de er efterkommere af sydamerikanske araucanaer; to maran-krydsninger, der vil lægge chokoladebrune æg og så to Isa, der i fremtiden vil lægge næsten et æg hver om dagen, i normal brun æggefarve.
     Selve hønsene er røde, sorte, vildtfarvede og brogede. Det er da lige til en udstilling, og når det nu er hønniker, så lægger de jo slet ikke æg.
    Senere vil der blive opsat røde grene og lagt blå bolde rundt omkring hønsene. Således skabes et altid skiftende, kalejdoskopisk mønster, der veksler med belysningen og tidspunktet på dagen og som er perfekt tilpasset til at berolige tilskuerne sind og mindske deres bekymringer.
  Sådan! Det lyder da godt, ikke?  
  Ergo er Ugleboets høns da også ren udstilling til fornøjelse for mig, ægtemanden og vores 4 børn – eventuelle naboer og forbipasserende må også gerne nyde synet!
   Jeg erklærer hermed haveinstallationen “De løsslupne hønniker” for åbnet.

-- 🐔 --
Old wording (only slightly updated) of the description of the garden installation The Roaming Pullets:
Today MotherOwl has decided that her new chicken will be for decorative and educational purposes only. As we buy pullets they'll not be laying. And we have no intention of eating them (We tried once, but laying hens are not made to be eaten, old and stringy they were).

Today MotherOwl declares the garden installation The roaming pullets for open. It's not yet perfect, the pullets - greenlayers (laying turquoise eggs when they grow up, and being diverse of colour - decendants of the South American Araucanas)  will be joined by the red bushes and blue balls in the garden. Thus creating an always shifting, kaleidoscopic pattern, changing with the time of day, and perfectly adapted to soothe the spectators' mind and allay their troubles.

There. That sounds good, doesn't it? I'm going to admit spectators if any want to come, but the primary audience is the inhabitants of the Owlery and their neighbours.
Dette er hvordan, jeg forventer æggene kommer til at se ud - også et ekko fra en A-Z post, denne gang om cykelhjelme.
This is how I expect the eggs to look later on. And this photo is an echo from the AZ post on Biking helmets.

14 kommentarer:

  1. Chickens. My one nemesis from my ranching days. Through no fault of their own, I might add. I love the colourful picture these pullets create! It definitely IS a work of art!

    1. They can be quite rough. We once had to use fencing gloves to get our eggs :) But yes, they are pretty.
      Fencing gloves and hens:

  2. Diane is right. Chickens (and so much of nature) IS a work of art.

  3. You've come up with a great idea! Enjoy your hens.

    1. I will and I do - except for pulling them off the treesa late in the evening - a new story maybe coming up.

  4. I hope these chickens don't get the avian flu. the eggs look pretty. I never kept chickens, but my mother did and then my daughter did, but the foxes got them one by one.

    1. We've had foxes visiting too. They even ate our artificial egg once. But I still like to have chikens.

    2. The avian flu ... my pullets are actually vaccinated against it. BUt it's big money and big business and they decide: Hens to be fed and watered under roof, to be kept indoors for months without rhyme or reason while duck and geese roam the fields outside. We - small chicken flock owners - can only obey and fume.

  5. Those poor hens. I don't know much about raising chickens or hens but I wouldn't be able to eat them if I know them when they're alive. I like the colorful egg.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. We do not eat them, no. Knowing them is not so bad, but laying hens and old ones at that are not made for eating at all, they are tough and stringy and ... in short enedible.

  6. Lucky you, getting some bonus alphabet letters to use!
    I do like the different colored eggs.

    1. Oh yes. I could not continue with w,x or z wigwams, zebras and xylo-something are about the only 'Danish' words using those letters.
      I hope for some different coloured eggs soon now.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.