
torsdag den 1. april 2021

Ⓐ - Ⓩ A - Arktiske hindbær

A er for Arktiske hindbær
A is for Arctic raspberries

    I dag er det den 1. april, og dermed den 1. dag i Ⓐ - Ⓩ udfordringen. I dag er det tid til at se på, hvad der hændte med de arktiske hindbær. I marts 2019 havde de overlevet vinteren 18-19, der ikke var særlig arktisk. Der kom blomster, men aldrig et eneste bær.
     Vinteren '19-'20 var bestemt heller ikke særlig arktisk, da først vi havde overstået kuldeperioden i november, kom der ikke mere frost og sne. De arktiske hindbær overlevede igen, blev lidt større, blomstrede igen, men gav ingen frugter.
Her er et billede. Den er da blevet lidt større, ikke sandt.

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Today is April 1st, and the first day in the Ⓐ - Ⓩ Challenge. Today it's time to look at what happened to the Arctic raspberries. In March 2019 they had survived the not very arctic winter of 2018-19, <we had flowers, but not a single berry.
   The winter '19-'20 was not very arctic either. Once a cold spell in November had left us, the rest of the winter was wet and green. No more frost and snow for snow-loving Owls. The Arctic strawberries survived, flowered and gave no berries. In this photo they have grown ... just a bit, haven't they?

Arktiske hindbær maj 2020
Arctic raspberries May 2020

     Vinteren 2020-21 bragte først sne og frost i januar, Vi har lov til at håbe på at de arktiske hindbær har overlevet nok engang, og at de ikke har behov for en arktisk vinter for at give bær.

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The winter '20-'21 did not bring any snow until January. Let's hope that the Arctic raspberries survive once more - and that they do not need an arctic winter to bring forth berries.

I morgen er det langfredag - så ingen Ⓐ - Ⓩ herfra.

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As tomorrow is Good Friday there'll be no Ⓐ - Ⓩ on my blog.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Didn't see them before but I notice the pink rather than white flowers on them. Very pretty.

    I'm covering Jethro Tull songs this A2Z:

    1. Jethro Tull songs are almost unknown to me, I'll pass by now and then to learn more.
      Thank you for visiting here.

  2. Pretty things - and I hope they do fruit.

  3. May they give you a bounty of fruit this year.

  4. I'm sad that you aren't getting any berries, hopeful that this year you will get at least a few, enough to enjoy the sweetness. my daughter is also trying strawberries, last season she had two berries only, but the plants were just new, so maybe more next season.

    1. We have fortunately loads of other berries, Strawberries, gooseberries red and black currants, jostberries and normal raspberries and rhubarb, which is not a berry, but still used for jam and pies.
      I hope your daughter will have her harvest multiplied this time, new plants are not very prolific.

  5. That icon you used is a strawberry...mmh.. Anyway... I don't know much about gardening or plants but I hop your raspberries will grow and bear their fruit. I find it encouraging how nature sometimes just fight their way out of the bleak cold, just like us humans.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Yes Blogger has no raspberries ;)

      Thank you and I wish you a lovely day as well.


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