
onsdag den 3. februar 2021

Winter at Unicorn Farm

In February the prompts are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, but published at Elephant's Child's blog. Today he has given us two times five words.


After the hot, wonderful summer where Susan's adventures in Paris , at Grandma's place and in Sweden took place, a winter followed. And not just any winter, but a winter with the worst snowstorm for at least a hundred years. The text is short, only a sketch of an idea that has been ghosting around inside my brain for long. I hope to expand it in the coming weeks. I did not use war. But once again, I took up the challenge of using the prompts in the order they were given. It is fun, and an extra challenge.

Feeling totally helpless was not an alien feeling to Susan, she often felt that way in school. But at the Unicorn Farm! This was new. Tomorrow the new year would start, and she had no idea how she was going to make it in time. All the metal parts lay spread over the table in the back of the barn. It was supposed to go together to form a miniature dragon, but how? She began to suspect that something was totally wrong. Her assignment, no call that a Quest, was to honour the dragons by assembling that statue before sunset tomorrow. But how ever much she tried, cast spells or used mundane glue, it did not in any way resemble a dragon. A wave of fury rose up inside her. It was hard enough to come to the Unicorn Farm in the middle of the winter holidays, and the once in a lifetime snowstorm roaring outside did not help any. Soon darkness would fall!

10 kommentarer:

  1. Just for a change (not) I love this - and want more. And how well I understand Susan's feeling of being an alien.... Kudos for you adding an additional challenge to the prompts as well.

    1. Thank you. I want to write more too. Hope it happens. The additional challenge is quite fun.

  2. Unicorn Farm - now that is really going in a unique direction from the tone of the words given. Well done.

    1. Thank you. This is a continuing story. part autobiography (the parts happening in Susan's home town, Elsinore, and elsewhere in the world), part fantasy (happening at the Unicorn Farm and some other places). I hope to eventually make it into a book.

  3. I do hope Susan manages to construct the Dragon statue. Perhaps if she starts by finding the eye and mouth, then maybe a wing, it will all come together. I hope there is more to this.

    1. Only tiome and prompts will tell. I have a vague idea/plan, but new memories keep popping up.

  4. Wonderful job using the prompts in order. I always try to do that and can testify that it is not easy. You made it seem so.

    1. Thank you. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one :D

  5. Susan sounds so like me when met with something that doesn't cooperate! Excellent use of the words!

  6. Well done! Such things can be frustrating.


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