
søndag den 28. februar 2021

Himmel og Jord - Heaven and Earth

Bare et par billeder fra i forgårs.
Først fuldmånen tidligt på aftenen. Er den ikke flot!

     Tidligt på morgenen var jeg ude og give hønsene mad. Der lagde jeg mærke til en underlig jordbunke inde i det faldefærdige legehus, hvor maden står. Jeg tænkte, at frosten måske havde skubbet noget af "muge-ud-spandens" indhold ud på jorden, den var nemlig frosset fast og ikke til at flytte, det opdagede jeg naturligvis først, da jeg havde fyldt den lidt mere end til randen ...
     Men så, da jeg var ude og fotografere månen, kom jeg derud igen, og der, midt på græsplænen var forklaringen ...

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Just a couple of photos from the day before yesterday.
  On top: The full moon early evening my time. Isn't it beautiful?

  And below ... in the morning, as I fed the chicken I noticed a small mound of dirt inside the decrepit playhouse where the feed is stored. I thought it was the frost pushing things from my "cleaning of the chicken coop-bucket". When last I filled it, it had frozen to the ground, and I could not move it. Of course I discovered this when I had already (over)filled said bucket.
  But later, as I was out photographing the Moon. I found the explanation. Right there in the middle of the lawn ...
Smuk måne og ubudne, underjordiske gæster 
Beautiful moon, and uninvited guests below ground.

Midt på dagen var det så tid for indkøb. Der var kommet en ny serie lego-minifigurer. En uimodståelig fristelse for Uglemor. Og se, hvilken figur, der var i posen!

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In the middle of the day it was shopping time. A new LEGO minifigure series had come out. This poses an irresistible temptation for MotherOwl. Now look which figure was in that bag!
Lækkersulten biavler --  Honey hungry beekeeper

     Cathy @ Still Waters har lige fortalt om en udfordring, der passer som fod i hose med Søndagsbilleder. Det er  HeyJude fra Travel Words, der hver måned vælger en farve. Denne måneds farve er gul, så måske kan jeg lige præcis nå at lege med, for hvad er mere fristende gult en en frisk honningtavle? Og er månen ikke også gul?


   Cathy @ Still Waters just told of an interesting monthly challenge that fits Sunday Selections like a glove. A monthly colour has been chosen by HeyJude at Travel Words. Maybe I can make it. The colour for February is yellow. and what is more temptingly yellow than a fresh honeycomb? And often moons are perceived as yellow too. 

8 kommentarer:

  1. What a fun post. I had no idea (I am soooo out of touch) that lego created an apiarist figure.
    I struggle to photograph the moon and love your photo.
    What type of uninvited guest came to visit?

    1. Thank you. Yes Lego has come a long way since our childhood. THe same bricks still exist, but so many more as well.
      I was in luck, ONE of my bazillion of shots was good ;) It's really hard to photograph the moon without a tripod.
      And the uninvited guest is a mole.

  2. That is a good picture of the moon.

    Lego does a lot of really creative and clever stuff, just don't step on them with bare feet.

    The underground critters, while needed on the Earth, are not needed in our personal gardens!

    1. Thank you, I was lucky.
      Ouch, I often step on Leogs, They're experts in finding that extra-hurty spot.
      No, I am going to ask it ever so kindly to leave, bu trampling those molehills going in the further into the garden-direction and leaving the outwards bound ones in peace. This did the trick last time we had an underground guest.

    2. An excellent idea, i would not have thought of that.

  3. Thank you. The thing is, I used to keep bees. So this minifigure means something special to me.
    Yes a mole, I suppose at least.

  4. Hey Charlotte - I found you! Your link is to my home page so I don't see any pingbacks on that. You need to link to an actual post like
    and then I will see a pingback.
    Anyway, thank you for joining me, the Lego character is fun. Lego is such a wonderful toy to stimulate the imagination. I am sure I would have loved an apiarist in my collection when I was a child.

    1. Hey HeyJude. Thanks a lot, for the explanation. Even after blogging for over 8 years. I never knew about make pingbacks ;) Live and learn. I tried re-doing the link the right way and hope this works.
      I am a sucker for new challenges, and this one sounds perfectly fun and doable. Thank you for hosting!


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