
søndag den 7. februar 2021

Happy Birthday

     I dag er det Laura Ingalls Wilders 154 års fødselsdag, og med den kulde vi har, burde vi fejre den med at lave ahornsukkerslik. Desværre har vi trasket rundt i al sneen, så det må vi have til gode til der forhåbentlig kommer et drys i denne uge.
Making Maple sugar - Ahornslik-fabrikation.  Garth Williams

Today marks the 154th birthanniversary of Laura Ingalls Wilder. For once it's cold enough to make maple sugar, but we have trampled all the snow. We've got to wait until we get a new sprinkle of snow, I hope this Wednesday.

4 kommentarer:

  1. What a lovely way to celebrate her birthday. I hope that conditions are perfect on Wednesday (despite not knowing how to make maple sugar or why fresh snow is an essential).

    1. You see Laura and Mary in the drawing - the frying pans are filled with clean, new snow. Maple syrup is boiled until it becomes "done"(don't know how to explain ín English, and I'm too lazy to look it up) and is them poured into the fresh snow and placed outside until stiff. Take care it's hot! It tastes fine ;) But it is better poured into small silicone moulds, then is't morre brittle and less like rubber. But the snow method is the ome used in THe little House in the Big Woods.

  2. There's a library that has a party near her birthday each year, but of course, it will have to be skipped this year. Maple sugar sweets do sound good.


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