
tirsdag den 2. februar 2021

Captions - billedtekster

I lang tid har jeg ikke brugt billedtekster på min blog. Teksterne blev bittesmå, og hvis jeg prøvede at ændre størrelsen med det indbyggede tekststørrelses-værktøj, endte det enten med at billedteksterne ikke blev spor større eller med at hele teksten blev i hvert fald delvis med mini-størrelse bogstaver.
     Nu har jeg fundet en løsning.
     Den øverste del af billedet viser, hvordan New Blogger vil have det til at se ud, den nederste hvordan jeg gerne vil have det.
     HTML-redigering er nødvendig for at få min vilje, men en mega-nem udgave. Måske er det her noget, alle andre allerede ved. Jeg vidste det bare ikke.

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  For long I have avoided using captions for my photos. The text in the captions would be tiny on the blog, and all my tries using the in-blog text resizing-tool ended up either with nothing - the captions still being tiny-type - or worse the whole blog post being a jumble of normal and tiny-type letters.
  But now I've found a solution.
  The top half shows how New Blogger wants it to look, the lower half how I want it to look.
  I have to do some HTML-editing to get it my way - but it's a very simple editing. Maybe this is a well known trick, but I did not know it.

     Jeg går til HTML-redigeringsvinduet, finder billedteksten og tilføjer de to små stykker kode nedenunder for hver ende af den. Hvis man gør tallet større, bliver teksten endnu større.

  This is how I do it: I go to the HTML editing window, find the caption and add those two small pieces of code at either end. Higher number will make the text even bigger.
Jeg har lige slettet al uvedkommende kode udenom,
så man kun kan se mine indsatte koder og selve billedteksten

I removed all text and code not pertaining to the caption and my codes
for ease of viewing.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Well done you.
    I am intimidated by the html version and don't use it. And yes, I know that is cowardice.

    1. I felt the same way for a long time. But then I thought: 'what's the wporst that can possibly happen?'
      The worst I could imagine, was a blogpost gone totally awry. In that case could just delete and re-do. I copied the text to a Word document just in case and started working (playing). It was not that bad ;) Only once have I messed up so much I had to delete a blog post and use my back-up Word-document. Else the very last command in the Edit menu (a T with a \ through it = Remove ALL formatting) has been my friend.

  2. I am in awe! As soon as the computer code comes out, my creative spirit hides under the desk...


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.