
mandag den 1. juni 2020

Poetry Monday :: Bridges - Updated

  Sorry ... because of Pentecostal mini-holidays MotherOwl forgot to write a poem. Hopefully she'll catch up later today or in the week to come.
  Also she is not going to read the poems from the usual suspects, as this will influence her writing. See you later co-poetrists.  
  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings.

Today a haiku must suffice.


Old bridges or new,
Don't burn'em, do cross'em.
But not before time.

The theme for next week is: The Antics of Pets

And a funny. Messymimi informs us that today is early bird day. Ergo: 

13 kommentarer:

  1. I know what you mean about being influenced, Charlotte. Because of the time difference, sometimes your poem or Mimi's poem will be published while I'm still working on mine. I have to very carefully not read them until I have finished writing :)

    1. "very carefully not read" is what I do as well ;) And yes I think you (or possibly Diane on the Border) are the last one of us to see Monday's sunrise.

    2. That would be Diane - she is four hours later than I am to have dawn :)

  2. I have similar problems with Words for Wednesday. I cannot read other people's contributions until after I have completed mine. Sometimes I worry about how easily I can be influenced.

    1. It is far too easy to be influenced, yes. Normally I write my poem in the week before, so as not to read what others wrote. But I just forgot this time. I almost read through all the poems, thinking my poem was safely in the draft section of my blog :D

  3. And still seemingly without effort, you still manage to knock it out of the park!

  4. Svar
    1. Thakh you. I'm trying to keep my blog free of politics and epidemics, but I still want to have my say ;)

  5. I love a good haiku - well done. It's been a long time since I attempted one, so it's back to googling the rules before I have a go. I love your funny - I didn't quite get it until I read the bottom caption. Ha Ha!

    1. Thank you, I like very much to write Haiku. The rules are easy, but most people do not follow them. I think the most important one is the "bomb" in the last line. It might not be very prominent in this one, but it's essential. Number o'syllables etc. can be neglected. That one, never - in my humble opinion.

  6. And ... success! So many truths packed into three lines!


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