
onsdag den 6. maj 2020

WfW - Here there be Dragons V

May's Words for Wednesday will be supplied by Lee at Kitchen Connexion. The Words for this week are:

1. Cliché                                            7. Direction
2. Eccentric                                       8. Sacrifice                                                           
3. Paradise                                         9. Dispensable                                                         
4. Derogative                                   10. Consequence                                                     
5. Capitulate                                    11. Outlook
6. Judgment                                     12. Principle

  "This is a paradise," Kai whispered, as the four children and Sandra crept up the outlook to join him. "Just look at this!"
  They all looked in the direction, he pointed, and gave a collective sigh.
  "Against my better judgment, I have to capitulate," Sandra said very softly. "Even though it sounds like an old cliché, this is paradise."
  In the clearing the dragon was soaring, alert, on guard. Its dark belly and shiny wings like a thing of dreams. And they all saw, what he guarded. Another dragon, smaller, douche colours blending with sand, grass and shadows, lay curled around a cluster of eggs in motley colours.
  "You are dispensable, small humans," they heard the dragon say, as he landed in front of them. "Every being, who ever set their eyes on a dragon's nest, are as a consequence turned into a sacrifice for the conservation of our race."
  "You do not trust us, I see," Kai said. "In principle I do not disagree with you. Human beings are a despicable lot, not to use worse, derogatory terms. But you forgot to consider one thing" Kai sighed, and faced the beautiful dragon. "We are wizards and witches. We share your magic. You cannot pass judgement on us as you would on any other being in this world. We have the prerogative of choosing oblivion."
  "Oblivion it shall be," the dragon sighed. "Please walk ahead of me back the way you came." Kai bowed to the female dragon on the nest, and all took his example, curtsying or bowing their very best. Then they walked back through the woods, cross the river, picked up their brooms, and flew back to the peninsula, from where they had set out in the pre dawn hours. They landed on the beach in the mild noon sunshine. The beach was deserted, the waves kissed the sand with small lapping sounds.
 The dragon spoke again: "Face me, puny humans!" They all  turned towards the wonderful sight. Then the dragon took a breath, sucking in air, until Susan was afraid he would burst. The dragon opened his mouth, They saw a red, two pronged tongue, rows upon rows of sharp teeth, like a shark's and deep down, the smouldering embers of the dragon's fire. It roared, an almighty sound, so deep it shook them to their bones and they fell, senseless to the sand.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful, Charlotte...absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much. :)

  2. Oh my. Oh my, oh my, oh my.
    Thank you (and Lee).

    1. ... and you as well, as your prompst began this story! Thanks!!!

  3. Makes my little dragon tale about Alcalador look a tad puny. Great story.

    1. Thank you, but I dare to disagree! It seems that you just have to continue telling us what the witch wants Alcalador to do and what happens next. It is a tantalizing beginning.

  4. Oblivion, meaning to not remember what they saw, i hope.

    1. Oh yes. I have to continue the story, so I can't kill off all my main persons ;)


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