
fredag den 1. maj 2020

Pollen 2020

Uglemor er allergisk overfor birkepollen, og har set frem til årets pollensæson med rædsel. Pollenallergi oven i alt det andet? Nej tak. Og som et svar på hendes bønner har årets pollensæson været historisk mild.

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MotherOwl is allergic. One of the worst (after bee stings) is birch pollen. She did watch the pollen warnings with anxiety. Oh,no - no more health issues, please. And her prayers were heard. We have had a record low. Look at those graphs: First 2020 alone, then 2020 compared to 2019 and 2018. Big smile. 

Her først årets pollengraf:

Og så sammenlignet med de to foregående år;
Link til pollengrafer

Og da Uglemor gik en tur i dag, lå de første birkerakler på jorden under træerne. Gode nyheder, så er det allerede næsten slut for i år!

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And today MotherOwl went for a walk. The first birch catkins have dropped off already. The end is in sight. Hurray!

8 kommentarer:

  1. I feel for you. Of the ten most common allergens here the only ones I don't have problems with are cat and dog hair.
    I had a course of desensitising injections years ago which made a HUGE difference.
    I still have some problems but my life is no longer a misery in pollen season.
    How did your doctor's visit go?
    Sending good wishes your way.

    1. I also have been desensitised against bees - which really helped - and birch - which was not a great success. I'm happy the bee's one helped, as it is the most dangerous one. The ultrasound scan went well, I went by bus for one hour out and one hour home again. The man doing the scan asked me when the gall bladder operation was scheduled for. It's 'rotten'. All the other things inside me are A-OK Nice to know :) Now I'm just waiting for the operation. Slowly getting better - I walked over two kilometres today ... big stuff!
      Thank you for your good wishes!

    2. Good luck. I hope the operation can be scheduled soon. My big issues are with grass pollens and they are (mostly) better. Just as well since I live in the allergy capital of our country.

    3. Thanks, I hope so too. And grass is bad. It's such a long season. I'm happy the desensibilisation helped.

  2. Allergies are awful, i was so allergic to so many things as a child that i could not breathe properly for many years, so i am glad the birch pollen is not so bad this year.

    Also i will pray your operation is soon and easy and successful.

    1. Thank you so much! Breathing properly can't be overrated!

  3. That must be a great relief, especially compared to the two previous years. I hope you get your operation very soon and can put this period of pain and worry behind you.


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