
mandag den 11. maj 2020

Poetry Monday :: Favourite Flower

  Once again it is Monday, and once again the subject is Our favourite something. This time we speak of flowers.
  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday, supplying us with a theme and crafty poems. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

My favourite flower?
It changes by the hour!
Is it yellow, red, or blue?
I love them all. I do!

Does it smell? does it dye?
Can I eat it in a pie?
Can I look at it and sigh?
Does it feed a bee or fly?

Does it turn into a fruit?
Is it garish, is it cute?
Does it bloom in Spring or Fall?
Never mind, I love them all! 

Next week, Diane has decided, we'll talk of: Home!

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am with you. My favourite flower changes with the day, the season, the wind...
    I really like ALL of the selection you illustrated your poem with as well.

    1. Thank you, diversity makes the day! All the flowers are from my garden with the exception of the middle one in second row and the leftmost one in the fourth row.

  2. Wonderful - so many reasons to love flowers! And I love that you have a dandelion among your flowers. It's one of my favourites too, but I had to save my picture of this year's blooms for my next "signs of spring" post :)

    1. Dandelions are a favourite of mine - and the bees - too. I omitted deaf nettles, a sad oversight, which I have to remedy soon.

  3. It is hard to pick a favorite. An excellent poetic tribute to flowers, thank you!

  4. I love your poem and your collection of photos, brightened my day significantly.
    Thank you!



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