
lørdag den 30. maj 2020

Farvegryde - 5A - Dye Pot

Akelejer - Columbines

     Og nu er garnet så kølet af, tørret, vasket og skyllet og tørret igen. Så nu er det tid til en konklusion.
 And now that the yarn has cooled off, dried, has been washed and rinsed and dried once again, it's time for the result.
From the top, clockwise: "Poppies", Dark, Blue, Tulips, Commonest, Light.

     Og resultatet er at nej, jeg kan ikke nøjes med at plukke alle de almindeligste mellemlilla akelejer. Naturligvis giver de mere sjældne næsten sorte og smukke blå de bedste farver. De må bare opformeres.
    Tulipanblade giver en bedre farve når de er tørre. Det har jeg vist også læst, at de skulle.  Valmuefarven er gulere i virkeligheden.

  And no. I can't just pick all the most common middle purple columbines for the dye pot. Of course the more rare almost black and pretty blue ones yield the best dye. I'll have to spread their seeds.
  The tulip petals dye better when dry, I think I read this somewhere. The 'poppies' are more yellow in real life.

 -- 🧶 --

Og til Pia - løbelængde ... hmm, et fed, der vejer ca. 100 gram  er ca. 500 meter langt, jeg talte omgangene og målte bundtet 😉 Jeg håber, det siger dig noget. 

5 kommentarer:

  1. The colours are inviting - and go surprisingly well together. Mellow magic.

    1. Thank you. That's the thing I like best about plant dyes. The colours always seem to go well together.

  2. It is pretty, what will you make with it?

    1. Thank. I don't know yet. I'm thinkng and thinking, and nothing pops up. Mostly because I had planned other colours and a different use for these hanks. Now that idea is homeless and driving out all other ideas with her envy.

  3. They're beautiful. Very restful to the eye.


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