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fredag den 25. oktober 2019
Flere svampe -- More Mushrooms
Så tog vi atter i skoven. Atter plukkede vi svampe og inviterede de lækreste med hjem til middag.
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Once again we went to the woods. Once again we met lots of mushrooms. Once again the most delicious ones were brought home for dinner.
I always say: If you pick 100 muschooms, 2 are poisonous, 5 are edible the rest bland, hard, or awful, but not poisonous. We have the white and green acarics too. They're deadly. I don't pick them, but stomp them into an unrecognizable mush.
Oh so beautiful. Some are delicious, some are deadly, most are beautiful.
SvarSletI don't think any of these mushrooms are realy deadly. The "worst" one is the red Fly agaric, and it'll not kill you unless you eat lots of it.
SletI always say: If you pick 100 muschooms, 2 are poisonous, 5 are edible the rest bland, hard, or awful, but not poisonous. We have the white and green acarics too. They're deadly. I don't pick them, but stomp them into an unrecognizable mush.
SvarSletMushrooms are fun to look for, i am sure, when you know what kind are best. They all look fascinating to me.