
mandag den 1. april 2019

Poetry Monday :: Clouds

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Clouds. (courtesy of Delores).

Tonight we had no clouds over us. They were sorely missed. 

                                    -- 🌥 --

Tonight some clouds would have been kind.
Protecting the verdant, growing things
But clouds tonight were not to be
Protection was up to you and me

With branches from our Christmas tree
I covered the greenery.
With straw and hay delicate thing
Was covered from what night may bring.

Alas -  I'm sorry - I forgot
The laurel in its giant pot.
The shoots of tender green now look
So sorry from the frost they took.

I hope for clouds in coming nights
If frost again will spread its blight.
But knowing clouds, I hid away
The branches for another day. 

7 kommentarer:

  1. A lovely (and different) perspective on clouds. We too often forget that they warm the nights...
    I hope your laurel survives.

    1. Thank you. I hope so too. Maybe next Monday I can tell.

  2. Ah, yes - here we must wait to plant until after the full moon in June, due to frost risk (and that makes for a late start some years). I love this poem!

    Would you like to be mentioned in the preamble on Poetry Mondays along with Delores and I? You can opt out or take a break at any time, so the committment is minimal. That way I can put the link at the top rather than in the comments. It's up to you! (If so, how would you prefer to be identified, as Mother Owl or as Uglemor?)

    1. That sure is a long wait. We say May 15th equals no more frost, and I find that late.
      You're welcome to put me in the preamble )as MotherOwl - easier on the English speaking readers), but be warned that we're heading for the period of the year where my blogging becomes more unstable. Easter holidays, a stay in the summerhouse, intensive gardening, Farmers Markets, Summer holidays with friends and family visiting us all make for less blogging stability. But I'll always try to write a poem for Monday - happily you do not need to be blogging on that very day as "ahead of time-posting" exists ;)

    2. Sounds good! Yes, I love being able to schedule posts!

  3. What a great way to tell your story, i hope the frosts are well and truly over now.

    1. Thanks. Frost is not well and truly gone until the middle of May. But I hope the worst is over now. It was minus 5 degrees Celsius in the night here.


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