
tirsdag den 12. februar 2019

Vinterferie -- 2 -- Winter Holidays -- Opdateret

I dag, tirsdag var himlen ekstra interessant her til morgen.  Jeg har aldrig set skyer, der så sådan ud før, og undrer mig over, hvad der mon får dem til at gøre sådan.

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The sky looked very interesting this morning. I never saw clouds just like these before, and wonder what caused this.  

     Det var ikke så koldt, som de forrige dage, og solen skinnede. I går købte jeg frø til tidlig salat og radiser, med den skumle bagtanke at få ryddet op i domen og så frøene der. Oprydning i domen er tiltrængt. Der har jeg vist ikke været siden jeg hentede de sidste chilier tilbage i oktober.

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It was not as cold as it has been, and it hat stopped being so windy. I hate cold winds and rain. It makes my fingers hurt. The sun was shining and yesterday I bought seeds for early lettuce and radishes. I suspected this could motivate me to clean out the greenhouse. My last visit there was probably in late October, harvesting the very last chillies.

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     Så tog Uglemor en rekordhurtig tur på indkøb. 35 minutter fra hun gik, til hun kom hjem igen. Deri inkluderet gåtur til og fra busstoppestedet, bustur begge veje og indkøb i to forretninger. 💪
     Da indkøbene var på plads, gik Uglemor i krig med domen.  Tomatplanterne var lodne af skimmel, stadig med bløde, lodne frugter her og der. Der var masser af ukrudt, og alle de små haveredskaber lå bare, hvor jeg efterlod dem sidste år.
    Den øverste række er før-billeder. Den nederste er efter.
     Så gik der en sky for solen og Uglemor gik ind til en kop varm the. Måske kommer solen og Uglemor frem i eftermiddag igen. 

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MotherOwl went for an ultra quick shopping trip - 35 minutes including walking to and from the bus-stop, bus ride both ways and two shops visited - a record ... maybe 💪
Then it was time for a visit to the dome. The tomato plants were musty; soft, mouldy fruits still hanging here and there, weeds growing wildly, and all garden implements just left where they were used last year.
Top row: Before, bottom row after. Then the sun went behind the clouds. Maybe this afternoon it'll come beck.

Udefra, venstre og højre side af domen. Gravlysene har stået der siden den første nattefrost, hvor de forgæves kæmpede for at holde tomaterne frostfri.

From outside, left and right side. The grave candles were my loosing battle against the frosty nights last autumn.

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     Så blev det søreme solskinsvejr. Domens anden side blev også ryddet. Her er 3. billedserie fra domen. På det midterste billede er alle de underlige ting, der var rundt omkring., blevet sorteret. Det kræver måske et billede for sig selv.
     Såning? Det må vente til i morgen.

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The Sun came out this afternoon.  MotherOwl cleaned the dome, and took new photos for a new photo serial. Here's the dome once again. Mission complete. In the middle picture all the crap found in the dome is sorted. It might need a separate explanation.
No sowing was done. It'll wait until tomorrow.

     Al skramlet i fine bunker. Haveredskaber og genbrugelige skilte og vandingsdimser i de firkantede urtepotter. Den grønne flaske er et vandingsprojekt, boble- og anden plast er ligesom lysene til frostsikring. Vandkanden skal naturligvis genbruges, snor og urtepotter ligeså. Den runde potte fuld af hvidmalede træstykker stammer fra et eller andet længst glemt projekt.
     I posen, der hænger på vandbeholderen, er alle de knækkede plastikdimser, nylonsnor osv. samlet. Næste gang Uglemor tager på lyn-indkøb, kommer det med, og bliver smidt ud i en container til plast. Ugemor er lidt sur over, at der kun er genbrugsbøtter til aviser og glas i vores lille landsby. Genbrug skal gøres nemt, ellers virker det ikke.

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All the crap nicely sorted. Gardening tools and reusable thingies for watering an marking in the two square pots. The green bottle, some sheets of plastic and the candles are all part of the frost fighting squad. The green bottle is for watering. The watering can is to be reused, and the same goes for the string and the pots.  The white painted pieces of wood in a round pot hail from a long forgotten project, don't ask.
On the water tank hangs a dirty plastic bag. It hides all the broken markers and  watering thingies, broken pots, scrapped nylon strings, in short all things plastic. The next time MotherOwl is going to the record breaking shopping place, she'll bring this bag and dispose of it in a communal recycle bin for plastics, simultaneously grumbling over the fact that she needs to take recyclable plastic for a bus ride. Recycling should be made easy, and even our little village should have bins for plastic and metal as a supplement to the existing paper and glass bins.

Bonusbillede. Så meget ukrudt var der til hønsene i den anden halvdel af domen. De blev glade!

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Bonus photo of all the weeds for the chicken, gathered in the right hand half of the dome. The chicken were very pleased.

4 kommentarer:

  1. You were busy - and productive.
    Our recycling is collected each fortnight. We have a bind to fill and mix glass, plastics and paper. Which I think is a mistake.

    1. Your bin sounds just like the German "Grüner Punkt" bins, which works like a dream, only not the paper part. I think that even though Denmark like to regard itself as a environmentally friendly country, we're so far behind other places. In my small village, we have two big communal bins, one for newspapers, one for glass and a small one for batteries. Our household waste is sorted organic (for composting - and bio-gas when this works) or unorganic (to be burned). In Germany, 15 years ago we sorted: paper, electronics, white glass and coloured glass in centraly placed communal bins. Organic waste, "Grüner Punkt" bags, with plastics and metal, and the small rest in our home. I don't remember how often they were emptied any more, but it worked.

  2. That's certainly a lot of work, well done! And i cannot imagine getting anywhere on a bus in 35 minutes, much less two rides and two shops in that time.

    1. Thanks. I'm lucky to live so close to shops, and with such good buses (at least monday-Friday) It also helps that I know the shops and have a structured shopping list. When they make over their interior, as happened not long ago, I used much more time and frustration to go shopping.


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