
torsdag den 21. februar 2019

Modersmåldagen og omvendtdag

     I dag er det den Internationale modersmålsdag. Linket her er til Wikipedia. Der synes ikke at være mange, der fejrer dagen i Danmark. Modersmål-selskabet afholder et foredrag, og det er vist det.

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Today is the International Mother Language Day.  In Denmark a very quiet affair with one speaker at an open evening. I hope it is celebrated more  in other countries.

     Uglemor vil slå et slag for en omvendtdag - en dag hvor man gør alting omvendt. Altså ikke sådan at man spiser aftensmad om morgenen eller tager trøjen på benene, men en dag, hvor man hver gang man udfører et rutinepræget arbejde tænker sig om, tager det andet bukseben først på, starter med den anden fod først på trappen, skærer med den anden hånd, tørrer sig i håndklædet, så det snor den anden vej.
     Der er tusindvis af den slags små, dagligdags rutiner, hvor det er sjovt at blive bevidst om, hvad det egenligt er, man gør og hvordan.

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MotherOwl wants to celebrate  an upside down-day / reverse day. Not a day where you eat breakfast in the evening and vice versa, but a day where you are aware of all the myriad of daily routines and do those the other way round. Begin by putting the other leg first when putting on trousers,step out with the other foot at the stairs, eat with the spoon in the wrong hand, when using a towel make it twist itself the other way.
There's loads of tiny actions we do each day, several times a day. And it's quite fun and eye opening to become aware of how often you do something without thinking all day.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Very interesting! And scientists say it's good for the brain to do things the other way round from time to time.

    1. Really? That is good to know, then I can tell people it's a scientific experiment when I fumble around ;) It is really hard, I have yet to do it for more than a few hours at a time.

  2. Someday i will have to try such a reverse day.

    You were asking about Good Fences Around the World. It is a blog hop now hosted by Gosia, and it is easy to participate. Post a fence picture, and link up at her blog.

    1. Yes, my search led me to Gosia and even to a proverb "Good fences make good neighbours" that was totally new to me. But ... who began this, and more important still why?


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.