
mandag den 4. februar 2019

Ikke mere vejr -- No more Weather

(English verion at the bottom, beneath an angry cloud).

Nu har DMI endegyldigt udfaset deres gamle, trofaste vejrmeldinger. I stedet for denne her dejligt kompakte og overskuelige vejrmelding:
kommer vi til at mødes af dette forvirrende syn:

     Det betyder at Uglemor ikke længere kommer til at berette om solopgange og solnedgange på sin blog, der bliver ikke mere jubel over at dagen er tiltaget så og så mange minutter, eller sorg over det modsatte. Det kan man nemlig ikke se længere.
     Der kommer heller aldrig mere SneUgleJubel. Verden er kort sagt nok engang blevet et tristere og mere begrænset sted at være Uglemor.

 - ⛈ - 

Now that the Danish Meteorological Institute has updated the graphics on their pages, MotherOwl is no longer going to bring jubilant notices that the days have grown half an hour or more longer, or despondent news about the opposite. MotherOwl at least is unable to find this info in the new info-jungle.
The new graphics, as shown on the second screenshot are messy, interactive (= small unreadable squares pop up whenever you mouse over something, and won't go away). Compared to the old infographich in the first screenshot they are way less informative, more unwieldy. In short, more bling, less information.
There'll be no more SnowOwl Happines. The world has in short become a sadder, more limited space for Owls of all kinds.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Any time computer related somethings are "improved" they end up being harder to use or in some way inferior. It would be nice if they would just use what works!

    1. Yes they just never heard the advice: Never touch a running system. Or if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


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