
fredag den 26. januar 2018

Hue med øreklapper -- Hat with Earflaps

Den er færdig!
Uglemor havde den på i morges!
Den er varm!

- o 👒😌 o -

The hat is done!
MotherOwl wore it today!
It is warm!

     Men næste dag havde Uglemor ikke hestehale, og uden den til at holde huen på plads, kravlede den langsomt op over ørerne.
     Uglemor  pillede det øverste af pulden op og lavede lidt længere mellem indtagningerne. Nu bliver huen nede om ørerne, selv når Uglemor har fletninger og bevæger sig voldsomt.

- o - ◴ - 👵 - ◷ - o -

But then next day MotherOwl did not tie her hair in a ponytail, and the hat crept upwards.
MotherOwl unraweled the top and re-knit it with a bit more rows between the decreases, this made the top a bit longer.
Now it stays put over the ears even when having my hair in braids and moving violently.

Så nu kan jeg med sindsro linke til      - - 👵 - -    It is done! I can be linking to

One Monthly Goal

torsdag den 25. januar 2018

Words for Wednesday -- 24 January

Once more late to the party. Here's my story.
The Words for Wednesday in January will be found at Letting the Words Escape. Today's (or rather this Wednesday's) words are:

1 frisbee
2 baseball
3 Winston
4 truce
5 Studebaker
6 diamond


1 vanish
2 message
3 Tokyo
4 Wanda
5 twist
6 maim

Instead of playing baseball or frisbee with his friends, he had a secret passion for old, historical movies. He loved watching the news reels from old movie theatres. He had witnessed how Winston Churchill acted to arrive at a truce, he had watched Bonnie and Clyde climb in and out of Studebakers, diamonds glittering from fingers, pins and hair.

He felt the dreariness and inadequacy of modern times almost as a physical thing, and more than once he wished he'd been born a century earlier.

One day he had had enough. He felt maimed and hurt by the television and the internet. All they ever shoved him, was the decadent and informal bustle of a world going to hell in a handbasket. He left a note for Wanda, the old cleaning lady, her mother had made him hire for his apartment when he left home. With a twist of his hand, he threw the key into the river and boarded the next plane for Tokyo. He just had to vanish for a time. Hopefully the Japanese with their penchant for forms and etiquette could help him readjust to the world of the living.

søndag den 21. januar 2018

Forår på vej - Spring will come

     Her i en vinter, der hidtil ikke rigtig har budt på vintervejr, kun halvvådt og dunkelt novembervejr fra oktober til nu, er det rart at se, at foråret trods alt er på vej.
      I dag er dagen også blevet en hel time længere, så vi har hele  7 timer og 50 minutters dagslys.

- o - 🌦 - o -

The winter so far has not been much of a winter. It has been grey and dreary, without snow and frost to brighten the days.
In these circumstances it's nice to see signs that Spring will arrive in a month or two. The days are longer. Today we've just gained an hour, bringing the daylight hours to a grand total of 7.50 hours.
And MotherOwl found the first eranthis in the garden.

Erantis i Uglemors have.
The archtypic Danish early Spring flower.

    Og inde i domen lever salaten stadig - en af de eneste fordele ved en grå vinter.

- o - 🍃 - o -

The only bright side of a grey winter. The salad inside the dome is still growing.

Yes! DMI siger: Solopgang/solnedgang: 8:27/16:17, dagens længde 7:50, tiltaget 1:00

lørdag den 20. januar 2018

Morgenfjæs - Morning Faces

     Ugemor er jo gået helt amok med at fremstille flettede kugler. Sidste skud på stammen er Morgenfjæs. Som sagt, så hedder blomsten Pragtsnerle på japansk アサガオ (asagao), der betyder morgen-ansigter.  Derfor er kuglen her i Uglemors hoved kommet til at hedde Morgenfjæs.
- o - 🌸 - o -

MotherOwl has gone a bit overboard making teabag baubles. This one is called Morning faces because - as one of my 3 posts a day-posts told, the Japanese name for Morning Glories, アサガオ (asagao), means morning faces. 

アサガオ, Morgenfjæs, Morning Faces

onsdag den 17. januar 2018

TUSAL 1 - 17. januar 2018

     Som jeg skrev i min kommentar på Daffycat's blog er mit problem ikke, at jeg har for få hobbyer, ting jeg gerne vil eller materialer til at lave dem med. Mit problem er plads til at opbevare materialerne og endnu mere plads til at bruge dem og så kunne jeg da godt bruge lidt mere tid. Et par ekstra timer mellem klokken 12 og 14 ville være velkomne.
     Derfor er de fleste af mine stumper ikke af tekstil art denne gang. 
- o 🐑 o -
As I said in my comment at Daffycat's blog, it's not hobbies, I'm missing, but room for them.  A little extra time would not be amiss either; a few more hours between 12 and 2 pm. would be much appreciated.
But as a result of my diverse hobbies, most of my ORTs are of non-yarny origin.

- - - - Daffycat's TUSAL - - - -

     Her er de tekstile ender. De stammer fra strikningen af min hue og et mislykket syprojekt.Alle enderne fra 2017 endte jo i to temari, så jeg begyndte på et tomt glas den 1. januar.
- - 🐑 - -
 Yarny ORTs from the knitting of my earflap hat, and from a failed sewing idea.All the ORTs from 2017 did end up as centres for the two temari, so I began the year with an empty jar.

     Bemærk det nye, fine glas. Det dukkede frem under oprydningen.
- o - 🐼 - 🐌 - 🐼 -o -
Notice the newfound container. Cleaning helps.

- - - - - - - - -

      Og så har jeg puttet alle enderne fra papirkuglerne ned i glasset. Der er mange flere af dem end af garnenderne. Og sikke da nogle farver på en overskyet januardag.
- o - 🌈 - o -
Instead I stuffed all the odds and ends from weaving paper baubles into the glass. There's  a load more, and the colours are perfect for cheering us up on a beak January day. 

     Den allerede færdige regnbuekugle set fra en ny side og et smugkig på den kommende "Asagao"-kugle.
- o - 🌸 - o -
A new view on the already finished Rainbow bauble and a preview of the coming Morning Glory bauble.

     En ting, der er godt ved den her TUSAL-øvelse. Man passer godt på sine ender, så de ikke bliver spist af støvsugeren. Det vil sige, man rydder op, for at få alle enderne med.
- o - 🐘 - o -
At least one good thing comes from the TUSAL. I have sudenly become very neat, picking up all threads and putting everything back in place so as not to leave any ORTs for the vacuum cleaner.

tirsdag den 16. januar 2018

Words for Wednesday - 17. January

The Words for Wednesday in January will be found at Letting the Words Escape. Today's (or rather tomorrow's) words are:



and oops Tobruk, which I did not see - I have not included it into the story.

For my birthday last year, I received a book on the Hepburn romanization of Japanese writing. My interest in Japanese took wings after the big earthquake, noticing the houses rolling with the quake instead of tumbling down, like the houses here in Paris would have done.
I sat on the ferry feeling the wind in my long hair. It was a wonderful day to be alive sailing down the Seine. I closed my eyes against the glare, and began memorizing the rules for transcription of long vowels. I felt a bit like the Pooh Bear reciting foreign poetry.
Next I tried my hand at the Japanese text, I was supposed to be able to read tomorrow in class, but I lost my way in the meandering, beautiful kanji. I wondered why the poor fellow in the text suddenly had to be executed for murder. I dug up my word list for the relevant chapter, and realized that Yamamoto-san was accused of robbery and falsifying the ledger, he was not a murderer.
Reaching this comparatively happy end, I closed my books, determined to enjoy the rest of the trip.

Papirkugler -- Paper Balls

     For noget tid siden præsenterede Uglemor theposekuglen i en stor og en lille udgave. De er resultaterne af et lykkeligt møde mellem en 12-siders terning og et forkert flettet led, jeg læste om hos ... tja, måske var det her hos Anne, måske hørte jeg om det et andet sted fra. Det kan jeg ikke længere huske.
     Resultatet var i hvert fald et forsøg på en kugle. Den blev ikke pæn, og er blevet smidt væk eller den forsvandt eller blev aldrig færdig; tja det er længe siden.

 - o ⍟ o -

Some weeks ago MotherOwl presented the tea bag baubles in a large and a small variety. They were the result of a mistake, I read about somewhere, maybe here at Anne's place, maybe somewhere else, and a die 12 for role-playing.
The first tries were ugly, and have since disappeared, maybe they were not even finished, it was a long time ago.

- o 0 o -

     Nu dukkede ideen i hvert fald op igen og blev til noget. Og der er flere på vej. Først den geometriske regnbue:

 - o ⍟ o -

Anyway, the idea resurfaced, and more paper balls are set to follow. First a Geometric Rainbow:

Igen en stor kugle 19 cm høj.
Another big ball 19 cm from top to bottom.

     Lige siden hun begyndte på fletteriet, har Uglemor samlet på theposer. Det er blevet til ret store mængder, især fordi jeg har fået venlige mennesker til at samle fra deres arbejdspladser, sammenkomster og lignende. De fleste af dem, er den slags, Uglemor gerne vil bruge til sjove og flotte skåle, men også nogle helt andre, som jeg ikke lige kunne se, blive til hverken skåle eller fade. 
     Den slags thebreve er helt gode til stjerner og dermed til kugler.

Den næste kugle tager sit udgangspunkt i en japansk blogger, der skriver om at applikere pragtsnerleblomster, (Morning Glories eller アサガオ (asagao - morgen-ansigter) ). De har en vidunderlig blå farve, og er jo netop femkantede.
     Uglemor havde nogle blå theposer, og foldet på den rette måde, fik de små sølvfarvede og gyldne nister, der lignede blomstens aftegninger. Men der var ikke nok (mit evige problem. 180 ens theposer er rigtig mange). Uglemor stod på hovedet i theposerne og fandt blå nok til tre femkanter, røde nok til to femkanter og en masse gule. Og så var der 15 grønne af samme slags, men de havde jo ikke de sølv-gyldne nister - suk. Til gengæld havde de blade på , så de blev foldet underligt og fik vendt bladene ud. Her er hvad det er blevet til indtil nu:

- o 0 o -

Ever since MotherOwl started making things from teabag wrappers, kind people have been collecting them from their work, social get-togethers and everywhere. Most were of the coveted variety, that can be turned into plates and baskets with pretty patterns. But some were from other manufacturers of teabags. And they are well suited for baubles.
The next to come has its idea from Morning Glories ( アサガオ (asagao - morning faces in Japanese). A japanese blogger wrote about how to applique those flowers, and MotherOwl was captivated by the blue pentagons. Some blue teabags were found, They could be folded so that a part of the pattern on the bag made silver golden markings like those on a flower. But there were not enough - my eternal problem; 180 teabags of the same variety sure is a lot. But there were some red ones with the same markings, and some pale yellow ones as well. And then 15 green ones (15 is what is needed for one pentagon). But ... without those tiny details in the printing. Instead they had a leaf on the back side. They were folded off bias in both directions, and put together to form a leafy bottom part.

Bund med blade, top med solskin, to blå blomster. Eller sagt på en anden måde: 4 ud af 12 femkanter.
Bottom part with leaves, top part with sunlight, two blue flowers. Or 4 of 12 pentagons.

8 høns - 8 æg

8 Chicken - 8 Eggs

Prøv at se, hvor forskellige æg, 8 høns lægger. Vi har 3 grønlæggere, hvor den ene lægger mere blå æg, 3 med maraner blandt forfædrene, der lægger mere eller mindre chokoladebrune æg, og så 2 Isa Brown, der lægger næsten et æg om dagen, i normale brune farver.

What a variation in egg colour. We have 3 Easter Eggers, one of which lays bluish eggs, 3 from mixed maran stock, laying chocolate brow to brownish eggs, and 2 Isa Brown - those steady an egg a day-machines - laying normal brown eggs.

fredag den 12. januar 2018

Plantemishandling -- Plant Maltreatment

     Forleden dag, da Uglemor var på indkøb, blev hun arrig. Se bare her: 

- o 😠 o -

MotherOwl went shopping. She became angry as she saw this: 

Det er jo plantemishandling!

- o 😠 o -

This is a clear case of maltreatment of plants!

 - - - - - - - - - - -

Men kan I se, hvad Uglemor også så? Planterne her overgiver sig ikke så let. De siger: 

- o ❀ o -

But do you see, what MotherOwl sees? These plants do not surrender. They are 

Defiantly flowering.

onsdag den 10. januar 2018

Words for Wednesday --10 January

-- Onsdagsord 

The Words for Wednesday in January will be found at Letting the Words Escape. Today's words are:




Wyatt was an extraordinary pianist, he was the best yet seen, or rather heard. But he was a frustrated man. He had one dream; his one dream was to become a king, and this was an almost impossible dream for an ordinary man, even if he was the best piano player ever.
He had to win half the kingdom and the princess's hand in marriage for this dream to come true.

One day, while playing the piano at an elegant Swiss skiing resort, he went skiing with the guests. On their way through a narrow canyon their peals of laughter set off an avalanche. Wyatt called to everybody not to try and run away, but flee diagonally from the path of the avalanche. His quick wits saved everybody, among those the princess of a small kingdom. They fell in love while trying to get warm sitting at the fireplace after their ordeal, and thus Wyatt became a king of one of the smallest kingdoms on Earth.

Wyatt and his soon to be bride -- the princess Ariane -- threw a gigantic farewell party before leaving the skiing resort. Everybody had pie and champagne, and Wyatt played his very best, even improvising jazz tunes on the piano late in the night. Then next day they were underway, loaded with well wishes and gift. That many gift, that only the princess' supreme skills learnt from her father the King's packers in her youth allowed the plane to bring all their gifts and luggage and themselves, narrowly avoiding a crash from the overload.

søndag den 7. januar 2018

Hue og Hule -- Hat and Project Room

     Jeg kom jo vist til at love at vise Uglehulen frem i ryddet tilstand. Men først et opmuntrende billede af den første øreklap fra min hue. Jeg håber Pia prøvekører sin i de kolde kuldegrader.

🔸🔹 🔶 🔷 🔶 🔹🔸

As Pia said in the comments, I promised photos from the more orderly Project room. Let me start with a mind soothing photo of the first earflap of the hat.

Og så .. en mere ryddelig Uglehuse sidst i december.

🔸🔹 🔶 🔷 🔶 🔹🔸

And now -- a not so disorderly project room in late December.

     Og så var det jo jul, og januar kom, og inden, jeg fik taget billeder, skulle jeg lige finde tråd til temari, og strikkegarn til huen og ikke mindst pindene ...
     Og endnu værre. Uglemor var jeg på auktion, og fik købt
  • en rammevæv (i dårlig stand, men kammen er i en finhed, jeg ikke har), 
  • en lille trissevæv der kan klappes sammen.
  • en hel del bøger, 
  • en pose fint, entrådet uldgarn,
  • en stor flyttekasse fuld af trendrester i hvide og grå nuancer (det er fra en fabrik, så hver "ende" vejer 9-10 gram og er vel 25 m lang), så nu har jeg til eksperimenter til adskillige års forbrug. Og sidst, men ikke mindst 
  • et superflot stykke stof med ugler på (det var det, jeg kom for at købe). 
 Nu er det stuvet nogenlunde af vejen. Kasserne med ting der skal sorteres og alle trendresterne står et andet sted. Så ...
Billeder fra Uglehulen i januar:

🔸🔹 🔶 🔷 🔶 🔹🔸

And then it was Christmas, and then January came along with its temptations. MotherOwl made some temari and went in search of thread and needles and pins. A hat to be knit meant another search for yarn and knitting needles. And the MotherOwl went to an auction, and bought:
  • one rigid heddle loom (in bad condition, but the heddle had a sett I've been missing)
  • one  counterbalance loom, tabletop model,
  • a stack of books, 
  • 6 hanks of very fine woollen yarn for weaving (white), 
  • one really big crate filled with warp ends (from a carpet factory - every end is app. 25 metres long) in white and pale grey hues for plant dyeing experiments - I now have enough to last for a very long time, 
  • the very beautiful square metre of owly fabric that was my excuse for going there. 

Now I put the excess  "to be sorted" and the crate of ends somewhere else, and tidied the rest, so ...
The Project room in January:

Her står jeg lige udenfor døren ind. Der er bare *mange ting*. Man kan lige se toppen af den nye væv til højre bag dartpilene.
Seen through the open door. What a lot of stuff. The upper part of the new loom can be seen to the right, behind the darts.

Indenfor, vi ser til højre. Vinduet er et gammelt snydevindue fra den gang det var ydermuren.
Kasserne indeholder uld, garn, stof, papirmasse, thebreve og flotte poser til at flette af ...
Og så udkast og kladder til bøger, trædrejerværktøj, håndværktøj og sandpapir, glas til syltetøj og honning,
spoler og tene, maling og pensler, blyanter og farver ...
Inside looking right. The window is a fake one from when this wall was on the outside of the house.
All the crates contain wool, yarn, teabags, fabric, paper scraps ... you name it to create from.
Also half written novels and mats for soaping and candle making, empty glasses for jam and honey,
writing and drawing tools, wood turning equipment, hand tools, spools and spindles ...

Så ser vi den anden vej. Ægte vindue denne gang. Kasserne indeholder frø og haveudstyr, flere tomme glas - også til at skære i stykker og til at lave fake drivglas af (dvs. flotte nuancer).
Kasserne til højre er tomme. Og så den vidunderlige gryde.
Looking left towards the real window. The crates contain outdoor stuff, seeds, thing for the dome, garden equipment and such. Also more glasses; among those mats for glass cutting and making of fake sea glass (pretty colours).
The crates to the right are empty. And finally the wonderful cooking pot!

torsdag den 4. januar 2018

Bilbos Badesang -- Bilbo's Bathing song

Today marks the 126th anniversary of  J.R.R.Tolkien's birth.
Let's celebrate with a cozy, Hobbit themed verse.

Sing hey! For the bath at close of day
that washes the weary mud away
A loon is he that will not sing
O! Water Hot is a noble thing!

O! Sweet is the sound of falling rain,
and the brook that leaps from hill to plain;
but better then rain or rippling streams
is Water Hot that smokes and steams.

O! Water cold we may pour at need
down a thirsty throat and be glad indeed
but better is beer if drink we lack,
and Water Hot poured down the back.

O! Water is fair that leaps on high
in a fountain white beneath the sky;
but never did fountain sound so sweet
as splashing Hot Water with my feet!

onsdag den 3. januar 2018

Hue til Uglemors sarte ører.

A Hat for MotherOwl's Cold Ears. 

     Uglemor har prøvet med hjelm-huer, pandebånd og tørklæder viklet rundt om hovedet. Ja, hun har sågar en grim, grå kuststofhue, med plads til hestehalen til cykelturen. Men ingen af dem er rigtig gode.
     Nu er løsningen der måske. Pia har fundet en hue med varme til ørerne, måske tynd nok til ckyelhjelmen og med plads til hestehalen.
     Uglemor stopper sin læsning af Dr. Zhivago, og går ind og leder efter strikkepinde og garn i den nyligt opryddede Uglehule.
- o ⏲ o -

MotherOwl has tried a lot of solutions for keeping the ears warm. Strange helmet-hats, headbands, and scarves. I even have an ugly, thin, grey, made of poly...something hat with a hole for the ponytail when biking. It's thin enough to be worn under the biking helmet.
But finally I think I found the ideal hat, or rather Pia did. She found a hat that's warm at the ears, thinner at the top, and even has a hole for the ponytail. What's not to like.
MotherOwl stops her reading of Dr. Zhivago, and is off in search of yarn and needles.

Midnatsblå alpakka og hjemmefarvet alpakka i sødsuppefarver.
Uglemor strikker med to tråde, varmt og ikke kradsende.
Midnight blue alpacca with small stars and plant dyed pinkish alpacca in two hues.
Kniytting with two strands. Cozy, warm and not itchy.

     Og Uglemor er faldet for fristelsen til at deltage i endnu en udfordring. Denne gang en gør det færdig-udfordring. Det er måske en udmærket ting.
- o ⏲ o -

And MotherOwl found yet another challenge. This time One Monthly Goal. Get it finished. I'll enter this hat!

Also joining Ginny's Yarn Along

Words for Wednesday - 3. januar

-- Onsdagsord

The January host for Words for Wednesday is Cindi at Letting the Words Escape.

She says: "Welcome to the New Year and a new year of Wednesdays!  This month each week's prompts will come from events (past and present) on the calendar this week ...

1. Resolution
2. Niece
3. Sweet
4. Celebration
5. Elvis
6. Golden


1. Snow
2. Summer
3. Typewriter
4. Edmund
5. Sarcophagus
6. France"

I went with the second set of prompts:

Edmund sat typing out his adventures on his uncle Digory's old typewriter, Electricity was not a part of the life at Cair Paravel.
He gazed out of the window, where the seeming endless summer rain fell. Edmunds thougths went astray, to the days spent in France, visiting the sarcophagus of Ogier the Danois in far away, Meaux.
"Oh, no, not her again!" Edmund exclaimed, as the summer rain turned first to sleet, then to snow.
He jumped up and called for his siblings. There was work to be done.

tirsdag den 2. januar 2018

Nymåner 2018

17 januar
15 februar
17 marts
16 april
15 maj
13 juni
13 juli
11 august
9 september
9 oktober
7 november
7 december

TUSAL Ekstra - opdateret

     Alle stumperne fra 2017s TUSAL er nu endt i to temari. Inden i den mindste er der en lille bjælde. Den får et asanoha-mønster i lilla og ender nok som en forsinket nytårsgave - jeg begyndte i det mindste på den nytårsdag.  Den store er jeg ikke helt klar over endnu.

  - o 🌕 o -

All the ORTs from the TUSALs of 2017 has ended up in two temari. The smallest one has a bell inside. It will eventually get a asanoha pattern in purple and be given as a belatde newyears gift. It was begun on the first of January.

Heldigvis fortsætter Daffycat også næste år  med --  TUSAL -- is to contimne at Daffycat's next year as well!
I dag er  det fuldmåne. Den er der to af i januar i år.
Today is the full moon, one of two in January.

mandag den 1. januar 2018

Back to the classics -- January edition

  Here is my revised list of books:

1. A 19th century classic - (published 1800 - 1899).
- Mansfield Park, Jane Austen

2. A 20th century classic (1900 - 1968).
- Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse.

3. A classic by a woman author.
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.
- Den brændende busk  (The burning Bush) by Sigrid Undset, just to tease. A well turned book by a woman author ... featuring a male hero.

4. A classic in translation.
- Ivanhoe,
- War and Peace
- Gone with the Wind
- The Odyssey

5. A children's classic.
Alle vi børn i Bulderby by Astrid Lindgren.
- Winnie the Pooh by Milne (in English).

6. A classic crime story, fiction or non-fiction.
- The Battling Prophet by:
- Cover Her Face or
- A Mind to Murder or
- Unnatural Causes or
- XXX by P.D. James
- XXX by Ellery Queen

7. A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or non-fiction.
- Seven Years in Tibet
- Daugther of the mountains
- Lost Horizons by James Hilton compare it to De grønne skyggers dal (Valley of the Green Shadows) by Poul Nørgaard. (for 9).

8. A classic with a single-word title.
- Odysseen (Οδύσσεια) by Homer. Time for a re-read. In Danish, not Greek.
- Gymnadenia by Sigrid Undset. Everybody knows Kristin Lavransdatter, but this one is maybe even better.

9. A classic with a colour in the title.
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knigth
- The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Valley of the Green Shadows by Poul Nørgaard.  (see 7)

10. A classic by an author that's new to you.
- I'll stumble across one eventually.

11. A classic that scares you.
- Dr. Zhivago! by Boris Pasternak 

12. Re-read a favourite classic
- The Lord of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

And the die was thrown. I got an 11. I'm now off in search of my old copy of Doctor Zhivago

Fyrværkeri - Fireworks

     Nattens første, og flotteste, fyrværkeri. --- The first and most impressing of the nigth's fireworks.