
torsdag den 8. december 2016

Solnedgang -- Sunset

     Alle Ugleboets beboere lever stadig. Vi har været syge på skift, nu havr vi bare travlt.
     Her er en meget smuk solnedgang fra forleden aften. Og en smuk solopgang også. Der har nemlig været så mange smukke solopgange og solndgange den seneste måned. Det er helt svært at vælge én.

All the inhabitants of the Owlery are still alive and hooting. We have been ill, now we're just busy.
Here's a sunset from a week or so ago. And a sunset with inredible colours as well.
We have had so many gorgeous sunsets and sunrises the last month, that I have the very agreeable problem of not being able to choose.

Solnedgang ved skoven -- Sunset over the woods.

Solopgang på vejen hjem -- Sunrise on my way home

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    I'm sorry to hear you've all been unwell. What gorgeous sunrise and sunset colours! Sometimes it's hard getting out of bed to witness the sunrise (our sun is rising soon after 5 am at the moment), but when I see the spectacular sky and I am able to photograph it, I'm glad I made the effort.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.