
mandag den 12. september 2016

Servicemeddelelse -- Service Announcement.

     Eftersom Blogger er blevet arrig på alle andre blog-udgivere og derfor ikke vil vise datostempler på deres indlæg - og deraf følger ikke opdatere min blogroll - har jeg nu skiftet farven på ulæste indlæg til en arrig rødlilla. Så er det alligevel til at se, når folk opdaterer,
     Det nytter nogen gange at brokke sig,. efter at denne meddelelse havde stået ca. 2 minutter, virkede det hele igen. Jeg lader nu farverne være i nogen tid. Det er helt praktisk. 

Blogger has flown into a temper and decided not to accept the time stamps from other blog makers at all. This is wreaking havoc along my blog roll.
Until this matter is solved, new blogposts will be shown in angry purple types. Then I'll be able to see when bloggers, not using Blogger, updates anyway.
Well sometimes grumbling helps. This announcement was posted for like 5 minutes, and then everything was back to normal again. I'm leaving the colour change for a time anyhow. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    It's frustrating when things don't work properly even if it's only for a short time. I'm glad to hear things are back to normal. I see my blog post title didn't end up in an angry purple font. My blog hasn't updated in your blog roll for over a week. Perhaps I need to write a new post!

    1. That your post is not an angry purple just shows that I already read it ;) not that it has not uppdated.

    2. Uglemor,

      Oh yes! Sometimes I am very slow at understanding the words in front of me. Well, it's lovely to know you read my post. Regardless of my misunderstanding, it's probably time I wrote a new blog post!

    3. Sometimes I do the same as well. And when you get an idea of what is written, it's hard work to remake it. My husband who's a historian calls this hermeneutic pre-understanding ;) Yes it's time to write new blog posts, for me as well. But we have an indian summer and are enjoying too much for me to sit in front of my keyboard much more than what is neccesary. I'd love to send you some heat and Sunshine.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.