
tirsdag den 24. februar 2015

Vejen hjem - 8 - On my Way Home

I dag er alting gråt i gråt. Fredag aften sneede det, og søndag skinnede solen. Ind i mellem har det bare regnet, hvilket kan ses på det meget vand på markerne.
     Uglemor har store planer i tilfælde af lidt sol og så lunt at man kan holde på en hammer uden at fryse vingene af. Der er en af vores høns, der hver dag efter at have lagt sit æg, springer over indhegningen og ud i haven. Det er selvfølgeligt skønt for hønen, men mindre for vores have. Alting bliver krattet op. Så Uglemor vil bevæbne sig med hønsenet, kramper og en hammer og så simpelthen forhøje hegnet rundt om hønsgården. Så kan hønen måske lære det - ellers må den ende i suppegryden. 

Today everything is grey. Friday we had snow and Sunday was a sunshiny day. All otherdays have ben grey and greyer with rain. This is the cause of the big poodles in the fields.

If the sun will shine today, and the wind will not chill MotherOwl's wings below freezing, she has a plan. One of our hens has taken a liking to the free life. Every morning after she had laid her egg, she jumps over the fence and into the garden. This is of course wonderful for the hen, but not so much for our garden which gets all mauled by her claws. MotherOwl is going to make the fence taller, and if the hen still not gets the message it's into the soup pot. Nothing can grow in a garden with an active hen.

"Fløjtende piger og galende høns kommer altid galt afsted," siger Lauras mor til
hende i Det lille hus-bøgerne. Det passer i hvert fald på vores stikke af-høne.
Whistling girls and crowing hens
Will always come to some bad ends
This saying I remember from Little House on the Prairie
is quite fitting for our run away-hen.

Solopgang/solnedgang: 7:17/17:31, dagens længde 10:14, tiltaget 3:23

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Oh my! I hope the hen stops jumping over the fence. I do like chicken soup but I don't think your hen would like it at all! It's still looking very winter-like in the photo.

    1. I'm going to teach the hen to stay in. It's one of the best laying hens. I'd be sad to eat it, and I'm certain the hen agrees.
      It is still winterish here, sub zero temperatures in the night and sleet or hail, seldom snow in the daytime. Spring is still in the future, around Easter.


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